In The Dark


I spend my day playing outside,
It's beautiful, full of love, o how I wish it wouldn't stop.
I dread going home,
Reality hits every time.
Fairytales are for books,
And what I'm living in is hell!
I walk to the door,
My heart pounding out of my chest.
How could a house so nice, hold so many dark tales.
I eat and shower my usual routine.
I fear what's to come,
Time is passing by quick.
I head to my room and close the door.
No use in locking it, the Devil always finds his way in.
I get on my knees and say my prayers hoping that God could save me from this hell.
Laying on my bed,
I await my fate.
Thinking of what's to come as the tears roll down my face.
My door opens,
I hear it squeak.
The wood creaking,
The heavy breathing.
O how how I wish it was all a dream.
My worst fear once again is about to become so real.
I try and lay still in hope of magically disappearing.
But who am I to kid,
That's just some wishfull thinking.
Maybe if I don't move,
I won't be seen.
It's dark in here,
But so is he.
I know what's to come and I wish I would just die.
No human in its right stage of mind would cause this kind of harm.
But the Devil has no limits as he climbs into my bed, determined to accomplish its mission.
It tries to feed me lies,
But I know them all to well.
As the sun comes out and the damage is done,
The count down begins and Satan retreats.
I lay there in bed,
So glad to be left alone.
Another day in sun,
Where it is beautiful.
It's full of love.


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