
being skinny is Okay.

Not being skinny is Okay 

having curves is okay, not having curves is okay . 

Judge someone for their body type is not okay.  

You are more than the way  you  look, you  are not 

a bitch, or stupid you  are human being. 

Everyone have a different body type 

God did not create everyone in this world the same,

God have create every person with  their own sense 

of purpose in life, their own sense of who they are, 

no one is the same everyone is unquie and have 

same their own bubble of what they  are in  their life

and if you reading this right row

you are beautiful /sexy and smart and stay being yourself, 

you  can  take over the world just being yourself than being 

someone you  have purpose in  life so don't let no one in  this 

world tells you  different.  
