A Realization
When I realized you had moved on so fast, I realized that the pace was set.
I realized when your bright blue eyes never lit up when we saw each other
after a few days
I realized when you stopped smiling when I said something funny
I realized when you slowly stopped talking to me and I would blow your
phone up trying to figure out what I did wrong
but when you ended things, when I saw you with her so quick
when I had to force myself to forget every moment we had, every kiss
and every embrace
I had to because I knew you weren't going to come back.. I had to stop caring.
I had to realize I'm on this journey alone and not even you can help me find my way
but God don't you ever forget how much I love you
that is one thing you can never deny, my love for you was overwhelming
and remains unconditional.
I just can't allow myself to care, I just can't. help me change my mind.