Snake Road at Night
There's a road I roam
Bendy pavement silk
Tantalizing the bone
With moonlight's lit milk
Three dots in the sky
Compass lead me to home
Please be no lie
In this scary black dome!
Night's a killer
As it watches over me
A gypsy listening to Thriller
Make sways the trees
The shadows that lurk
Oh how they stare
Their stare gives me a jerk
In this cold solid air
The slam of a shutter
The slicing of leaves!
Makes me melt like butter
Oh where's the gentle breeze?
In this place
I'm all alone
In this space
Of broken gnomes
The scratched up paint
To the teary cries!
Make me wanna faint
And maybe wanna die!
You scare me snake road
I'm not going to lie
But you are my jungle abode
And it makes me wanna cry