Ode to Parents
When we are born they are our only friend,
they clean up messes and help you to the end.
When you are a toddler, screaming and pouting,
they calm you down and stop all the shouting.
At 5 and 6 when school is like a mansion,
they hold your hand to the front steps, to reduce the tension.
While elementary school passes by,
all they can really do is sigh.
While you get older, your parents do too,
they can’t give up though, it’s way too soon.
They battle through the tough and hope for the best,
since, this is where it really becomes a mess.
We forget how much our parents really do,
we forget they raised us from our youth.
They drove us to sports and always had a hand to lend,
while we say they embarrass us when we are with friends
And pretty soon, you are off on your own,
You’ve got a job and bought a home
Only then do you realize how hard your parents worked,
hoping to see you smile, but instead you smirked.
When guilt comes over you like a rushing wave,
you realize you are too deep to be saved
Treasure the moments you have with your parents now,
so you can say “Farewell” to guilt, as he leaves with a bow.
Thank your parents for what they do, remember they are the ones that raised you.