Oppression Ourselves
We can’t get along
Our country
The peace
Where’d it go
When did it stop
Was there ever a time where we could really say we had world peace
It all started with
The slander, the hate we exposed onto the native Americans
How we cursed their clean soil with our unclean tongues
Speaking words of Christianity, and a God they didn’t know
A god they didn’t care for
A God they couldn’t even believe in because why would this all so powerful man
Put the white men on a boat to take their land
Has man ever really known world peace
We say time and time again we strive for world peace but do we really
We repeat what our ancestors have done
We continue to take without giving back
We continue to take our lives for granted
Even though we live in such a wealthy nation
And we continue to throw hate to the next person
Just as a baseball they should catch
And continue to pass on
How did we end up in a country where we have
a pig as a president
An economic system that is continuously failing
A political party that wants to ban women from being able to choose what they want to do with their body
An education system that charges a fortune for knowledge
An ignorant idea that racism has ended
A healthcare system that doesn’t even help most Americans
Causing a bigger lower class than there’s ever been
A blind eye towards gender inequality
And a world where .5% of our population
is homeless
Where is this going to end
How do we get ourselves out of the mess we made
How do we achieve world peace
If we can’t even achieve equality
Equality for
Our own damn people