"With liberty and justice for" who?
As a white person, I know very little of oppression.
I am not shot in the streets for no reason
I am not taunted with that confederate flag
I am not put in jail for the smallest infraction
As a woman, I know quite a bit about oppression.
I know being afraid to walk on the street alone
I know unequal pay
I know the saying "oh you are just a girl. what can you do?"
I know that if I am ever raped, there is that chance that he will not
As a citizen of these Great United States, I know that there is something wrong.
People without jobs
Women without a choice
People of color with no voice
Oil running through the rivers that the salmon can't run
The indigenous culture constantly erased
People being told who they can and cannot spend the rest of their life with
As a citizen of these Great United States, I know that we can change.
As Alexander Hamilton once said, I am not throwing away my shot.
We will RISE up against that wall
against this constant threat of a destroyment of rights
I don't say the words "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of Amercica
and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, with liberty and justice for"