You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 3
Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh
All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.
About The Poetry Book -
This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually Part 3 of the Book titled – You die; I die – Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) . Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for ever true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet.
Every thunderstorm in the sky; was accompanied by pelting rain,
Every festival celebrated on earth; was accompanied with loads of vibrant
Every bird flapping its wings in the atmosphere; was accompanied by revitalizing draughts of free air,
Every wave clashing against the rocks; was accompanied by gallons of silken froth,
Every irritation in the intricate eye; was accompanied by a disdainful redness
enveloping its crystalline white,
Every tiger transgressing through jungle territory; was accompanied by his
thunderous growl,
Every entity walking through the land in light; was accompanied by its lanky
Every delicious meal devoured with relish; was accompanied by a discordant burp,
Every midnight after a hectic days work; was accompanied by an everlasting yawn,
Every slab of ice placed on a granary of sand; was accompanied by sweating of water,
Every watch adorned smartly on the wrists; was accompanied by the ticking of its slender needles,
Every jewel embellished on the ring; was accompanied by magnificent shine,
Every camel gallivanting languidly through the deserts; was accompanied by its obnoxious yet delectable hunch,
Every stream placidly situated amidst the mountains; was accompanied by a few
Every car sky rocketing into daylight; was accompanied by the whirring noise of its tiers,
Every spurt of wholehearted laughter; was accompanied by gregarious smiles,
Every altercation; hurling of contemptuous abuse; was accompanied by hostile
Every spell of rain in blistering sunlight; was accompanied by the opalescent
Every flame of blazing fire; was accompanied by inconspicuous wisps of frigid smoke,
Every mother inhabiting the surface of this globe; was accompanied by her
darling children,
Every god residing in Heaven; was accompanied by omnipotent power,
And every anecdote of true love; unprecedented desire for each other; was accompanied by "HOLY MARRIAGE".
I wanted to sleep in a land where there sprang the first rose; the tranquility in the atmosphere pacifying my agitated senses,
I wanted to dream in a land where there lingered the first cloud; celestial fairies were bouncing delectably around,
I wanted to eat food in a land where there hung the first fruit; the reinvigorating aroma of fresh grass fomenting pangs of raw hunger in my stomach,
I wanted to yawn in a land where there twinkled the first star; its placid shimmer; drowning me into waves of enchantment and siesta,
I wanted to trespass through a land where there was embedded the first layer of soil; virgin twigs and a conglomerate of fluffy leaves fervently awaiting to be trampled by my feet,
I wanted to breathe air in a land where there floated the first draught of breeze; the unadulterated wind besieging me with overwhelming rhapsody; every unfurling second,
I wanted to view scenic nature in a land where there flew the first flamingo; mammoth eggs of the ostrich about to hatch; mold and harness themselves into
magnificent fledglings,
I wanted to play in a land where there hung the fist chimpanzee; clusters of innocuous rabbits merrily traversed in perfect harmony and unison,
I wanted to scratch my skin blood red in a land where there hovered the first mosquito; petulant lizards and robust worms wandering about in gay abandon,
I wanted to swim in a land where there swelled the first sea; its silken and tangy froth; profoundly rejuvenating my dreary soul,
I wanted to chew inebriating leaves in a land where there sprouted the petal of tobacco; languish in the meadows with the aftermath; placing me into a
blissfully sedative fantasy,
I wanted to sketch mesmerizing lines in a land where there stood the first mountain; its towering summit blending with sky; impregnating an insatiable itching in my fingers to draw,
I wanted to dance in a land where there was gyrating the first dolphin; the mysticism in its eyes propelling me to add strides to my pace; move incessantly to the beats of hissing snakes,
I wanted to study in a land where there meditated the first saint; the omnipotent power of his ideals metamorphosing me into the strongest entity,
I wanted to smile in a land where there laughed the first clown; the comic distortions of his face inevitably triggering uncontrollable guffaws from my persona,
I wanted to fight in a land where there marched the first soldier; the true spirit of freedom in his eyes; and the armor in his hands; annihilating the most minuscule trace of fear from my cowardly visage,
I wanted to sing in a land where there appeared the first shadow; the enigma in its obscure silhouette; engendering me to convert my subdued whispers into
melodious tunes,
I wanted to work in a land where there existed the first mother; the tenacity of her blessings igniting the real stalwart hidden inside me,
And "I WANTED TO LOVE" in a land where there lived the first girl; the very first woman who wholesomely loved me; blended her heart; soul and desire with mine.
The most embarrassing moment for a barber was when he inadvertently annihilated all traces of the bushy moustache; alongwith scrupulously trimming scalp hair,
The most embarrassing moment for a pilot was when he dozed off for split seconds; only to witness his spacecraft nose-diving towards gruesome blackness,
The most embarrassing moment for a doctor was when he unwittingly dispensed the wrong medicine; treated the patient for a running nose; although he was suffering from stomach infection,
The most embarrassing moment for a teacher was when she was caught red handed; for giving full marks to a student who had jotted a romantic picture story instead of solving mind boggling sums of arithmetic,
The most embarrassing moment for a businessman was when he signed a blank check; presuming it to contain a parsimonious amount of money,
The most embarrassing moment for a tailor was when he stitched cloth upside down; evolved a night pant out of the fabric which was supposedly meant for an office shirt,
The most embarrassing moment for an acrobat was when he toppled head on from the slender string; collapsed on the obdurate ground like a school kid having just started to learn rope walking,
The most embarrassing moment for a tea taster was when he certified inebriating whisky as royal tea; having a mesmerizing aroma and a delectably crackling flavor,
The most embarrassing moment for a baby sitter was when she dropped the infant on the ground; envisaging it to be a piece of chocolate wrapped in soft candy paper,
The most embarrassing moment for a jeweler was when he added scintillating pearls to his tea; perceiving them to be crystals of sweet sugar,
The most embarrassing moment for an electrician was when he insipidly handed
live current wires in the hands of his customer; instead of giving them the compactly molded switch,
The most embarrassing moment for a zookeeper was when he opened the cage of
the ferocious lion; expecting innocuous birds to fly out in tandem,
The most embarrassing moment for a model was when she traversed on the ramp; with disdainful blotches of sewage adhering stringently to her face,
The most embarrassing moment for a artist was when he painted the sun effeminate blue and the landscape blood red; lost in passionate fantasy while incoherently swishing his brush,
The most embarrassing moment for a singer was when she sang in a tune befitting a crow; the aftermath of a sore throat; drawing squeals of condemnation from the packed audience,
The most embarrassing moment for a car rallyist; was when his vehicle intractably refrained to budge an inch further; no matter how hard he tried to compress the accelerator at the start of race,
The most embarrassing moment for a cobbler was when he stitched the lace alongwith the threadbare holes in the shoe; profoundly engrossed in viewing
the swanky cars passing by,
The most embarrassing moment for a photographer was when he snapped the clergymen encircling the ministers; instead of capturing the domineering demeanor of the president,
The most embarrassing moment for a writer was when the ink in his pen exhausted; as he started to emboss the very first page of his book,
And the most embarrassing moment for a person in love was when an alien girl
pecked him frantically on his cheek; boldly embraced him in front of his cherished and angry beloved .
I didn’t eat food today; as I wanted to wholesomely famish myself; to devour
the appetizing chunks of pudding; Tomorrow,
I didn’t sleep blissfully today; as I was overwhelmingly excited to run; Tomorrow,
I didn’t play mischievously today; as I wanted to reserve every iota of my energy to passionately leap; Tomorrow,
I didn’t drink water today; as I wanted to gulp gallons of voluptuous wine; Tomorrow,
I didn’t bathe today; as I wanted to drown my persona in flamboyant waves of the salty ocean; Tomorrow,
I didn’t see any object today; as I wanted to view the mesmerizing beauty of dawn; Tomorrow,
I didn’t move my legs today; as I wanted to dance unrelentingly all night; Tomorrow,
I didn’t revolve my fingers today; as I wanted to sketch intricate landscapes with their towering summits in the clouds; Tomorrow,
I didn’t study one bit today; as I wanted to read through volumes of mystical tales; Tomorrow,
I didn’t go out today; as I wanted to uninhibitedly explore through the wilderness; Tomorrow,
I didn’t see the time today; as I wanted to scrupulously count every unleashing minute tomorrow,
I didn’t smell the air today; as I wanted to inundate my nostrils with the enchanting perfume of lotus; Tomorrow,
I didn’t speak today; as I wanted to scream hysterically for hours on the trot; Tomorrow,
I didn’t reside in the house today; as I wanted to live the entire evening in the magnificent castle; Tomorrow,
I didn’t sweat today; as I wanted to bask under sizzling rays of the sun; let moisture dribble profusely from all pores of my body; Tomorrow,
I didn’t sneeze today; as I wanted to thunderously blow my nostrils; emptying them in entirety; Tomorrow,
I didn’t smile today; as I wanted to sway in sheer rhapsody and jubilation; tomorrow,
I didn’t cry today; as I wanted to pour out rivers of heart breaking emotion; Tomorrow,
And I didn’t love today; fervently anticipating to be incarcerated in the
immortal embrace of my dream girl; thinking of tomorrow .
When I tried to reach her climbing perseveringly on the ladder; poking my head out embarrassingly; after reaching the 9th floor,
She gave me an obnoxious stare; thrusted the broomstick on my face; sending me hurtling down on the ground; petrified to the last bone of my spine.
When I tried to reach her in my private helicopter; hovering it at inches from her bedroom window,
She scornfully hurled disdainful pints off vanity powder at me; thoroughly blinding me; the aftermath of which caused me to crash land in the wilderness.
When I tried to reach her masquerading my voice like a female; attempting to fool her on the telephone,
She instantaneously deciphered my tone; barked a volley of malicious expletives at me; before ruthlessly banging down the receiver.
When I tried to reach her in my swanky car; pretentiously blowing its bombastic horn outside her door,
She mercilessly emptied the garbage can on my bonnet; left me in open mouthed consternation; with flies and cockroaches from the sewage crawling all over my body.
When I tried to reach her; sending her flowery letters; embossed with romantic lines which I had copied from the Shakespeare,
She had a hearty laugh after browsing through the same; snapped it into infinite fragments; throwing it into the remotest corner of her dustbin.
When I tried to reach her via the internet; sending her a greeting card; studded with outlines of shimmering silver,
She transferred the same into the trash can simply viewing my name; let alone reading the first alphabet of the electronic message.
When I tried to reach her on a horse; gallivanting effeminately in the vicinity of her residence,
She whispered to her friends to shoo me away; which they executed with supreme efficiency; pelting me with their shoes; and whatever rotten piece of junk that came across their hands.
When I tried to reach her through a diamond set; transferring the same into her jurisdiction alongwith a scintillating necklace of white pearls,
She envisaged me to be a rich mans son; distributed the beads amongst the beggars howling on the streets; after scrupulously entangling them from the strings.
When I tried to reach her through television; stylishly proclaiming her name; as well as announcing a reward to anyone who would bring her alive to me,
She was appalled at my maniacal tendencies; set the police hot on my trail; for pertinently blackmailing her.
While it was only when I reached her empty handed; barged through the door of her house in front of the unconventional society, audaciously blurted out "I love you; looking deeply into her eyes,
That I was able to "WIN HER HEART" as she now perceived that I really loved her; wanted to imprison her forever in the vice like grip of my romance.
Eternally unshakable “Truth” can only; holistically spawn; astoundingly proliferate; timelessly lead; unassailable diffuse; and impeccable transpire; into nothing else but; Omnipotent “Truth” itself,
Unconquerably righteous “Honesty” can only; enchantingly spawn; unstoppably proliferate; indefatigably lead; majestically diffuse; and beautifully transpire; into nothing else but; enamoring “Honesty” itself,
Pristinely unfettered “Artistry” can only; bountifully spawn; interminably proliferate; irrefutably lead; aristocratically diffuse; and amazingly transpire; into nothing else but; poignant “Artistry” itself,
Pricelessly inimitable “Humanity” can only; stupendously spawn; unabashedly proliferate; magnificently lead; jubilantly diffuse; and resplendently transpire; into nothing else but; ubiquitous “Humanity” itself,
Symbiotically benign “Innovation” can only; brilliantly spawn; undyingly proliferate; insuperably lead; triumphantly diffuse; and beamingly transpire; into nothing else but; ingenious “Innovation” itself,
Iridescently spell binding “Innocence” can only; celestially spawn; unflinchingly proliferate; indomitably lead; royally diffuse; and victoriously transpire; into nothing else but; bounteous “Innocence” itself,
Fantastically unbridled “Passion” can only; synergistically spawn; continuously proliferate; redolently lead; forever diffuse; and uninhibitedly transpire; into nothing else but; unbelievable “Passion” itself,
Altruistically ardent “Bravery” can only; handsomely spawn; compassionately proliferate; fabulously lead; ebulliently diffuse; and ecumenically transpire; into
nothing else but; untainted “Bravery” itself,
Well-deservedly truthful “Perseverance” can only; regally spawn; convivially proliferate; Omnisciently lead; emolliently diffuse; and tirelessly transpire;
into nothing else but; undefeated “Perseverance” itself,
Unfathomably sparkling “Melody” can only; ecstatically spawn; seductively proliferate; wholesomely lead; gorgeously diffuse; and indispensably transpire; into nothing else but; ravishing “Melody” itself,
Invincibly unparalleled “Candor” can only; beautifully spawn; instantaneously proliferate; serenely lead; magnanimously diffuse; and quintessentially transpire; into nothing else but; magnetic “Candor” itself,
Impregnably harmonious “Simplicity” can only; profusely spawn; undeniably proliferate; vivaciously lead; selflessly diffuse; and inevitably transpire; into nothing else but; Omnipresent “Simplicity” itself,
Gloriously blazing “Virility’ can only; profoundly spawn; unsurpassably proliferate; vividly lead; serendipitously diffuse; and heavenly transpire; into nothing else but; unlimited “Virility” itself,
Unceasingly virgin “Mischief” can only; ecstatically spawn; romantically proliferate; eclectically lead; winningly diffuse; and surreally transpire; into nothing else but; unhindered “Mischief” itself,
Innocuously mesmerizing “Beauty” can only; fathomlessly spawn; steadily proliferate; symbiotically lead; heartily diffuse; and perennially transpire; into nothing else but; effulgent “Beauty” itself,
Sensuously fiery “Breath” can only; limitlessly spawn; blissfully proliferate; plausibly lead; universally diffuse; and perpetually transpire; into nothing else but; voluptuous “Breath” itself,
Fantastically undeterred “Determination” can only; adroitly spawn; incessantly proliferate; gorgeously lead; effervescently diffuse; and passionately transpire; into nothing else but; intransigent “Determination” itself,
Magically ameliorating “Holiness” can only; indisputably spawn; undauntedly proliferate; magnetically lead; robustly diffuse; and divinely transpire; into nothing else but; unblemished “Holiness”,
But Immortally fearless “Love” has; is and shall forever; mystically spawn; uncontrollably proliferate; effulgently lead; marvelously diffuse; and sacredly
transpire; into all of the above and an infinite more than the imperceptible definitions of enigmatic infinite infinity.
I wasn’t the most infinitesimal iota sad; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was enshrouded by cloudbursts of untamed ecstasy; and was invincibly happy,
I wasn’t the most parsimonious iota negative; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was indefatigably embracing the Sun of unflinchingly unbridled optimism; and was triumphantly positive,
I wasn’t the most minuscule iota impotent; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was proliferating into astoundingly victorious newness every unfurling instant of the day; and was unassailably virile,
I wasn’t the most mercurial iota defeated; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was kissing the most royal epitomes of insuperable success; and was unbelievably victorious,
I wasn’t the most infidel iota ugly; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was unceasingly blessed with the heavens of celestial resplendence; and was inimitably beautiful,
I wasn’t the most vanishing iota diminishing; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was the most unconquerable crusader of tomorrow; and was eternally blossoming,
I wasn’t the most diminutive iota hapless; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was serendipitously bestowed in every singleton aspect of destined life; and was impregnably fortunate,
I wasn’t the most invisible iota weak; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was boundlessly impregnated with the most undaunted of calcium; and was fearlessly strong,
I wasn’t the most fugitive iota sacrilegious; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was the most untainted apostle of sacredness; and was Omnipotently divine,
I wasn’t the most abstemious iota wayward; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was unshakably parading towards the path of symbiotic righteousness; and was
indisputably straight,
I wasn’t the most oblivious iota criminal; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was the most unconquerable harbinger of humanity; and was miraculously philanthropic,
I wasn’t the most inconspicuous iota cacophonic; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was incessantly bouncing in the aisles of harmonious rhapsody; and was
gloriously mellifluous,
I wasn’t the most obsolete iota invisible; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was seen on every tangible and intangible cranny of this fathomless Universe at the same time; and was majestically Omnipresent,
I wasn’t the most eloping iota dirty; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was perched on the most unshakably bountiful apogee of hygiene; and was Omnisciently clean,
I wasn’t the most surreptitious iota abhorrent; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was tirelessly embracing every echelon of humanity till my very last veritable breath; and was limitlessly egalitarian,
I wasn’t the most evaporating iota nostalgic; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was inexorably galloping on the Spartan roads of quintessential livelihood; and
was profoundly pragmatic,
I wasn’t the most vespered iota parasitic; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was wholeheartedly donating every fraction of my wealth with both my hands; and was timelessly benevolent,
I wasn’t the most obfuscated iota delirious; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was blissfully nestling in the nests of magically uplifting calmness; and was effulgently calm,
I wasn’t the most dilapidated iota ribald; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was tirelessly floating in castles of unsurpassably glittering gold and silver and was incomparably royal,
I wasn’t the most evanescent iota lying; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was the most indomitable ray of eternally enlightening righteousness; and was bounteously truthful,
I wasn’t the most ethereal iota lazy; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was wafting into the sweat of timelessly righteous symbiotism all night and day; and was undyingly persevering,
I wasn’t the most transient iota devastating; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was evolving unlimited skies of synergistic miracles on every pathway that I tread; and was unstoppably magical,
But although I wasn’t the most ephemeral iota “Dead”; yet that exactly and perpetually meant; that every beat of my immortal soul would forever continue to love; you; you and only you; every unraveling instant of my enchanting life; and would continue to be “Alive” for you; and only you; O! poignantly Godly
Beloved; even an infinite centuries after my treacherously gory death .
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the scent of the poignantly scarlet rose; when mercilessly trapped a countless feet beneath the vituperatively fetid gutter line?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the voluptuously tantalizing globules of rain water; when haplessly licking acrimoniously heartless desert sand; for an infinite kilometers on the trot?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the celestially tranquil meadows of jubilant grass; when traversing via an intransigently vengeful field of blood-soaked thorns?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the Omnipotently blazing Sun; when ruthlessly buried an infinite feet beneath demonically asphyxiating and blackened mud?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the innocuously spell binding lines of untamed artistry; when haplessly incarcerated within the walls of the sacrilegiously robotic and wantonly commercial office?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed impeccably bountiful childhood; when venomously enshrouded by the invidiously crippling battlefields; of manipulative pragmatism?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the ravishingly unabashed waves of the mesmerizing sea; when helplessly sealed in the parsimoniously mosquito
laden crevice of the dingy wall?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the indefatigably boisterous noises of the enigmatic forest; when dismally seated beside the inexplicably wailing and inconsolably cadaverous corpse?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the triumphantly twinkling stars; when inexorably tyrannized by the murderously ghoulish blackness; and
in the heart of the despondently stabbing moonless night?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the quintessential feel of the beautiful currency coin; when tirelessly begging for every morsel of food; on
the lecherously dilapidated road?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the heavenly fantasies of a brilliantly unfettered tomorrow; when barbarously jailed in shackles of heartlessly flaming iron; for not the tiniest fault of mine?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the caverns of victoriously unblemished sleep; when wandering like a deliriously wayward maniac; through
the corridors of baselessly sinful prejudice?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the seeds of timelessly proliferating virility; when satanically placed amidst unlimitedly shriveled mortuaries of just lies; lies and forlornly despairing lies?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the brazenly unbridled ardor of enamoring youth; when both my worthlessly old and delinquent legs; uncontrollably trembled only towards lackadaisical soil?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the prayers of mellifluously divinely peace; when carnivorously dragged into the vindictively slandering precipices of ghastly war?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the amiably inimitable lap of Omnipresent mother; when the entire planet started to savagely scourge; even the most holistically nimble of my forward stride?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the pristinely silken flakes of rejuvenating snow; when the winds of unsparingly demonic summer; had torridly scorched every single leaf in conceivable vicinity?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the impregnably altruistic dwelling; when the devilishly profane darkness of the night; had taken wholesomely deplorable control of each of my nerves?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed the miraculously ameliorating waterfalls; when every pore of my body was truculently forced to wither and
ignominiously slither amongst the worms of ominously ribald nothingness?
Do you have any idea; as to how much I missed immortally benign love; when each beat of my heart was unrelentingly castrated by the corpses of unforgivably hedonistic betrayal?
And do you have any idea; as to how much I missed my Omnisciently beautiful beloved; when every of my breath was purposelessly leading every instant of
impoverished life; just to fill in the number of years that destiny had impotently planned for my head .
Before I could even realize that it was “Day”; or relish its brilliantly optimistic light; the dolorously maiming horizons of evening set in; leaving me haplessly wandering in inexplicable gloom,
Before I could even realize that they were “Shores”; or relish their tantalizingly moistened sands; the ferociously devastating waves of the sea set in; disastrously swiping me from my nimble feet; and into the stormy depths of treacherously bewildering nothingness,
Before I could even realize that it was “Night”; or relish its voluptuously enigmatic softness; the horrendous fronds of sleep disdainfully set in; plunging me into a mortuary of unprecedentedly crippling blackness,
Before I could even realize that it was “Sun”; or relish its Omnipotently flaming rays; the ominously pillaging clouds dreadfully set in; rendering me with nothing else but lividly asphyxiating pangs of depression,
Before I could even realize that it was “Candle-light”; or relish its majestically peerless grandeur; the hedonistically massacring tornadoes set in; blowing me and the flames away into inane wisps of wanton meaninglessness,
Before I could even realize that it was “Mystery”; or relish its uncannily enamoring scent; the monotonously pragmatic riddle set in; metamorphosing every of my bountifully unbridled fantasy into robotic despair,
Before I could even realize that it was “Child-birth”; or relish its astoundingly pristine mischievousness; the agonizingly bruised cry of accidental death set in; transforming me into an emotionlessly living corpse,
Before I could even realize that it was “Food”; or relish its salubriously succulent jugglery of juices; the insouciantly tawdry stream of feces set in; drifting even the most infinitesimal ounce of my mind; body and soul; into cadaverous emptiness,
Before I could even realize that it was “Ice”; or relish its royally impeccable demeanor; the vindictively unsparing beams of afternoon set in; melting every iota of my unimpeachable integrity into infinite pools of amorphously pathetic liquid,
Before I could even realize that it was “Parenthood”; or relish its compassionately divine belonging; the cannibalistic battlefields of malicious divorce set in; wholesomely shattering every heavenly dream of mine into bizarre salaciousness,
Before I could even realize that it was “Sweat”; or relish its timelessly persevering masculinity; the inevitably tantalizing breeze of laziness set in; perpetuating me to snore like an infidel eunuch; instead of gloriously replenishing with the fruits of hard work,
Before I could even realize that it was “Humanity”; or relish its unassailably Omnipresent fragrance; the atrociously indiscriminate wail of war set in;
fomenting me to tyrannically bleed till my last breath,
Before I could even realize that it was “Artistry”; or relish its unabashedly glorious sensitivity; the coffins of deplorably sacrilegious manipulation set in; gruesomely burying every ingredient of my righteousness; into the indescribably crucifying shit-pots of hell,
Before I could even realize that it was “Smile”; or relish its insuperably optimistic flavor; the preposterously languid yawn set in; lecherously dragging me into the most obliviously dilapidated maelstroms of boredom,
Before I could even realize that it was “Honesty”; or relish its unconquerably unflinching mirrors of truth; the fretfully ghoulish winds of parasitic politics set
in; making me rub my nose in inconspicuously worthless dust,
Before I could even realize that it was “Perfection”; or relish its undauntedly ecstatic supremacy; the inconsolably bawdy human errors set in; satanically defeating me in the most quintessential processes of my existence,
Before I could even realize that it was “Virility”; or relish its fantastically untainted atmosphere of celestial triumph; the indiscriminately trampling footsteps of the devil set in; engendering me to crumble beyond holistic degrees of recognition,
Before I could even realize that it was “Breath”; or relish its unassailably fearless exhilaration; the unrelentingly victimizing gallows of death set in; rendering me to nothing else but an invisibly frigid whisker of worthlessness,
But before I could realize or even after I realized it; or whether I actually realized it the tiniest or not; the signature of her immortal love remained perpetually embossed in every beat of my passionate heart; for even an infinite lifetimes after this destined life of mine; and without the slightest of hindrance setting in.
If the acrimonious world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; wretchedly separating our sensuously titillating lips; perennially bonded in the
kiss of effulgently untamed passion,
If the salacious world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; diabolically separating our jubilantly effervescent cheeks; perennially bonded in the flavor of inseparably righteous togetherness,
If the atrocious world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; truculently separating our resplendently tinkling feet; perennially bonded in the spirit of indefatigably untainted adventure,
If the demented world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; hedonistically separating our unbelievably tantalizing bellies; perennially bonded in the most compassionately unsurpassable fires of virility,
If the tyrannically world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; torturously separating our enchantingly holistic nostrils; perennially bonded in
the spell binding euphoria of timelessly infallible existence,
If the carnivorous world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; sadistically separating our gloriously synergistic palms; perennially bonded in
the most inscrutably fructifying winds of destiny,
If the ominous world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; cannibalistically separating our bountifully blossoming napes; perennially bonded in the atmospheres of tirelessly unbridled poignancy,
If the delirious world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; tawdrily separating our immaculately vibrant ears; perennially bonded in the aisles of celestially unparalleled sensitivity,
If the sacrilegious world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; salaciously separating our intricately seductive spines; perennially bonded in
the whirlpools of unassailably fascinating intrigue,
If the parasitic world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; bawdily separating our uninhibitedly truthful sweat; perennially bonded in the flames of limitlessly ardent perseverance,
If the cynical world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; licentiously separating our mischievously unabashed eyelashes; perennially bonded in the valleys of surreally pristine fantasy,
If the inane world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; devilishly separating our inscrutably triumphant destiny lines; perennially bonded in the
swirl of fervently unceasing magnetism,
If the foolhardy world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; forlornly separating our invincibly scarlet blood; perennially bonded in the paradise of impregnably altruistic humanity,
If the amorphous world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; dreadfully separating our gloriously artistic fingers; perennially bonded in a
boundless entrenchment of amiable charisma,
If the lambasting world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; heinously separating our bounteously suckling tongues; perennially bonded in a fortress of insuperably virile and unabashedly augmenting desire,
If the lecherous world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; horrifically separating our undyingly symbiotic shoulders; perennially bonded in a civilization of beautifully benign philanthropism,
If the dogmatic world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; profanely separating our nimbly emollient souls; perennially bonded in a festoon of unflinchingly fearless camaraderie,
If the unsparing world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; inexorably separating our compassionately heaving chests; perennially bonded in a meadow of eternally unshakable passion,
If the meaningless world didn’t want us to become one whilst we were alive; satanically separating our immortally priceless heartbeats; perennially bonded in the caverns of royally undaunted love,
Don’t worry; for if not in blessedly unconquerable life; we’ll still forever and ever and ever become one for an infinite more births yet to unveil; as we’d
drag our bodies far far away from the enthrallment of existence; shake hands with the corpse of death; and then lets see who stops us from being unconquerably one; after we die.
It wasn’t the most infinitesimal iota impossible to imagine a sensuously sensitive poet do an infinite things more; other than just writing volumes after volumes of perpetually proliferating poetry,
It wasn’t the most diminutive iota impossible to imagine a manipulatively shrewd businessman do an infinite things more; other than just quintessentially pragmatic commercial dealings,
It wasn’t the most mercurial iota impossible to imagine an altruistically benign philanthropist do an infinite things more; other than just tirelessly reaching out to every conceivable echelon of blessed humanity,
It wasn’t the most ephemeral iota impossible to imagine a righteously persevering cobbler do an infinite things more; other than just efficaciously stitching and mending pairs of sordidly disgruntled shoes,
It wasn’t the most ethereal iota impossible to imagine a bountifully gifted artist do an infinite things more; other than just profusely inundating barren sheets of insouciant paper; with unlimitedly enchanting sketches of mother nature,
It wasn’t the most oblivious iota impossible to imagine an unabashedly vivacious dancer do an infinite things more; other than just inexorably illuminating the complexion of the drearily ignominious night; with her enchantingly inscrutable tread on nimble soil,
It wasn’t the most obfuscated iota impossible to imagine an uninhibitedly fearless entrepreneur do an infinite things more; other than just ingeniously innovating the winds of an brilliantly unfettered tomorrow,
It wasn’t the most parsimonious iota impossible to imagine an intriguingly uncanny palmist do an infinite things more; other than just perspicaciously deciphering through the countless mysteries of the human palm,
It wasn’t the most fugitive iota impossible to imagine an indomitably victorious scientist do an infinite things more; other than just spell-bindingly harnessing the boundlessly replenishing resources of nature divine,
It wasn’t the most mercurial iota impossible to imagine an irrefutably righteous teacher do an infinite things more; other than just tirelessly disseminating the venerated source of knowledge in the bulky textbooks,
It wasn’t the most inconspicuous iota impossible to imagine a fearlessly patriotic warrior do an infinite things more; other than just unflinchingly brandish
his sword and valor; to even the most treacherously unsparing of enemies,
It wasn’t the most invisible iota impossible to imagine a bounteously untainted singer do an infinite things more; other than just unrelentingly flexing the chords of his throat; to perpetuate every ounce of remorse around with the tunes of blissfully rehabilitating music,
It wasn’t the most impoverished iota impossible to imagine an eclectically spirited chef do an infinite things more; other than just endlessly tantalizing the salivary buds of countless; with his inimitably awe-inspiring delicacies,
It wasn’t the most measly iota impossible to imagine a humanitarianly unprejudiced doctor do an infinite things more; other than just curing even the most inexplicably tormenting wounds of the haplessly devastated patient,
It wasn’t the most disappearing iota impossible to imagine a jubilantly effervescent sportsman do an infinite things more; other that just ebulliently galloping like an untamed panther upon the poignant race-track,
It wasn’t the most abstemious iota impossible to imagine a humbly learned saint do an infinite things more; other than just unceasingly sermonizing the hymns of eternally fructifying creation and priceless humanity,
It wasn’t the most vanishing iota impossible to imagine an effulgently unparalleled adventurer do an infinite things more; other than just philandering through the labyrinths of flirtatious mischief and the enigmatically unknown,
It wasn’t the most inane iota impossible to imagine an astutely phlegmatic judge do an infinite things more; other than just limitlessly dispensing the most triumphantly unchallengeable epitomes of invincible justice,
It wasn’t the most transient iota impossible to imagine a stupendously virile man & woman do an infinite things more; other than just infallibly procreate into a countless more of their own kind; and thereby inexhaustibly continue the chapters of this heavenly Universe,
But it was indefinitely impossible to imagine an immortally true lover do anything else; except just inhaling; exhaling and timelessly assimilating the skies of love; love and perennially compassionate love; for an infinite more lives and benignly blessed lifetimes.
There was a time when she was the most unparalleled flirtation of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the mischievously mesmerizing
mascara; of my iridescently innocuous eyelashes,’
There was a time when she was the most nubile freshness of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the uninhibitedly unceasing blush; of my pristinely rubicund cheeks,
There was a time when she was the most ardent tenacity of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the unconquerably burgeoning fearlessness; of my symbiotically harmonious bones,
There was a time when she was the most unlimited fantasy of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the unabashedly glorious adventure; of my unflinchingly marching footsteps,
There was a time when she was the most priceless innovation of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the rhapsodically unfettered
titillation; of my invincibly indefatigable brain,
There was a time when she was the most compassionate belonging of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the fierily clinging sweat; of my
sensuously heaving and receding chest,
There was a time when she was the most enchanting tale of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solelybecome the unsurpassably uninterrupted lusciousness; of my tantalizingly pursed lips,
There was a time when she was the most triumphantly effervescent element of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the magically ameliorating smile; of my blissfully synergistic demeanor,
There was a time when she was the most mystical embellishment of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the inscrutably bewitching
destiny lines; of my holistically benign palms,
There was a time when she was the most humanitarian wand of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the unimpeachably philanthropic blood; of my inimitably fructifying veins,
There was a time when she was the most enamoring magician of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the celestially replenishing
goose-bumps; of my poignantly intricate skin,
There was a time when she was the most astoundingly proliferating wind of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the peerlessly heavenly artistry; of my sensitively curvaceous fingers,
There was a time when she was the most mollifying moisture of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the unbelievably triumphant empathy; of my amiably wandering eyes,
There was a time when she was the most altruistically blessing molecule of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the beautifully untainted
lining; of my amicably blossoming soul,
There was a time when she was the most enviable maiden of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the fantastically unbridled bride; of my inevitably destined life,
There was a time when she was the most virtuously discerning wavelength of the entire atmosphere; whilsttoday she had solely become the impregnably enrapturing sound; of my effulgently flapping ears,
There was a time when she was the most undefeatedly mesmerizing reverberation of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the unconquerably mellifluous whisper; of my nimbly vacillating voice,
There was a time when she was the most passionately ignited spark of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the insuperably emollient
breath; of my miraculously bestowed nostril,
And there was a time when she was the most perpetual beat of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the immortally redolent love; of my timelessly flowering heart .
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally austere uniform of the disciplinarian policeman; which contained not even the most infinitesimal insinuation of a salaciously decrepit blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally checkered uniform of the Spartan taxi-driver;which contained not even the most insouciant insinuation of a diabolically slavering blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally impeccable uniform of the persevering butler; which contained not even the most lackadaisical insinuation of a penuriously tawdry blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally shrewd uniform of the negotiating politician; which contained not even the most intangible insinuation of a bawdily ghoulish blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally simplistic uniform of the emotionless waiter; which contained not even the most invisible insinuation of a wretchedly tyrannical blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally hygienic uniform of the clinical doctor; which contained not even the most inconspicuous insinuation of a dingily flagrant blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally stretchable uniform of the unflinching athlete; which contained not even the most parsimonious insinuation of a devilishly imbecile blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally flannel uniform of the laconic clerk; which contained not even the most infidel insinuation of a
vindictively truculent blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally navy-blue uniform of the impoverished sweeper; which contained not even the most transient insinuation of a licentiously incoherent blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally professional uniform of the unnerved business magnate; which contained not even the most etherealinsinuation of a satanically incongruous blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally straightened uniform of the stringent school teacher; which contained not even the most ephemeral insinuation of a pugnaciously devastating blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally sanctimonious uniform of the artificial air-hostess; which contained not even the most evanescent insinuation of a devilishly treacherous blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally crisp uniform of the reticent barber; which contained not even the most fugitive insinuation of a
wickedly sacrilegious blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally brackish uniform of the obdurate fisherman; which contained not even the most disappearing insinuation of a nonchalantly unsolicited blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally plaintive uniform of the mechanical ombudsman; which contained not even the most oblivious insinuation of a hedonistically lambasting blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally calibrated uniform of the robotic engineer; which contained not even the most obfuscated insinuation of a preposterously delirious blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally grey uniform of the perfectionist cobbler; which contained not even the most diminishing insinuation of a hideously sadistic blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally labeled uniform of the tireless concierge; which contained not even the most sequestered insinuation of a sinfully sordid blemish,
You might wholesomely engulf the chest with the most formally scented uniform of the nonplussed priest; which contained not even the most obsolete insinuation of a dastardly balderdash blemish,
But yet; and inevitably yet; irrespective of the caste; creed; religion; race or the most unsurpassably undefeated aura of the formal uniform adorning it; the heart beneath it was unabashedly free; the heart beneath it was unbelievably emotional; the heart beneath it was insuperably humanitarian; O! yes the heart beneath the chest was stark naked .
Wasn’t it unsurpassably amazing; that her nubile palms still remained unconquerably virgin even after my caressing them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh lines of mesmerizing destiny every unfurling instant; by the grace of the Omnipotent Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it limitlessly amazing; that her royal eyes still remained beautifully virgin even after my peering into them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh droplets of priceless empathy every unfurling instant; by the grace of the ever-pervading Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it undefeatedly amazing; that her passionate chest still remained celestially virgin even after my smooching it a countless times; as it evolved into an infinite fresh cloudbursts of spell-binding compassion every unfurling instant; by the grace of the perpetual Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it boundlessly amazing; that her tantalizing feet still remained impeccably virgin even after my teasing them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh pathways of unflinching adventure every unfurling instant; by the grace of the Omniscient Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it irrefutably amazing; that her luscious lips still remained timelessly virgin even after my kissing them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh epitomes of unparalleled sensuousness every unfurling instant; by the grace of the unshakable Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it unbelievably amazing; that her voluptuous nape still remained unimpeachably virgin even after my fondling it a countless times; as it evolved into an infinite fresh whirlwinds of inimitable titillation every unfurling instant; by the grace of the everlasting Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it interminably amazing; that her bewitching belly still remained innocuously virgin even after my nibbling it a countless times; as it evolved into an infinite fresh atmospheres of stupendous virility every unfurling instant; by the grace of the spectacular Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it unfathomably amazing; that her ravishing hair still remained immaculately virgin even after my embracing it a countless times; as it evolved into an infinite fresh reverberations of insatiable euphoria every unfurling instant; by the grace of the unquestionable Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it endlessly amazing; that her inebriating shoulders still remained insuperably virgin even after my kneading them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh mountains of bountiful friendship every unfurling instant; by the grace of the triumphant Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it unceasingly amazing; that her robust cheeks still remained inimitably virgin even after my tracing them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh caverns of incomprehensible exultation every unfurling instant; by the grace of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it inexhaustibly amazing; that her seductive armpits still remained wonderfully virgin even after my inhaling them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh skies of righteous perseverance; by the grace of the indomitable Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it eternally amazing; that her poignant ears still remained indisputably virgin even after my stroking them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh playgrounds of vivacious frolic every unfurling instant; by the grace of the unassailable Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it extraordinarily amazing; that her queenly back still remained sacredly virgin even after my licking it a countless times; as it evolved into an infinite fresh flames of unabashed exhilaration every unfurling instant; by the grace of the unfettered Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it tirelessly amazing; that her artistic fingers still remained victoriously virgin even after my interlocking with them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh gorges of bounteous creation every unfurling instant; by the grace of the unprejudiced Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it unprecedentedly amazing; that her dainty skin still remained fantastically virgin even after my exploring it a countless times; as it evolved into an infinite fresh rain-showers of unbridled sensitivity every unfurling instant; by the grace of the invincible Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it unlimitedly amazing; that her thunderous thighs still remained imperturbably virgin even after my probing them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh beads of priceless excitement every unfurling instant; by the grace of the infallible Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it unstoppably amazing; that her mellifluous mouth still remained irrefutably virgin even after my suckling it a countless times; as it evolved into an infinite fresh tunes of untainted freedom every unfurling instant; by the grace of the ubiquitous Almighty Lord,
Wasn’t it fathomlessly amazing; that her effulgent nostrils still remained symbiotically virgin even after my breathing into them a countless times; as they evolved into an infinite fresh fires of seamless proliferation every unfurling instant; by the grace of the benign Almighty Lord,
And wasn’t it uncontrollably amazing; that her immortal heart still remained virgin even after my loving and bonding with it a countless times; as it evolved into an infinite fresh heavens of magical togetherness; by the grace of the irreplaceable Almighty Lord.
With the unsurpassably tangy waves of the fabulous sea wholesomely dictating each of my impoverished senses; and the uninhibitedly pristine shores as my sole and most undaunted savior,
With the unbelievably handsome apogees of the timeless mountains wholesomely dictating each of my beleaguered senses; and the intrepidly exhilarating winds as my sole and most fearless savior,
With the inscrutably magnetic swirl of the enigmatic forests wholesomely dictating each of my dwindling senses; and the iridescently sporadic twilight as my sole and most inimitable savior,
With the unabashedly brazen currents of the stupendous afternoon breeze wholesomely dictating each of my languid senses; and the interminably blazing Sun as my sole and most Omnipotent savior,
With the fantastically unfettered swirl of the virgin waterfalls wholesomely dictating each of my deteriorating senses; and the atmosphere of poignant freshness as my sole and most rejuvenating savior,
With the pricelessly unconquerable fabric of insuperable oneness wholesomely dictating each of my oblivious senses; and the winds of egalitarian humanity as my sole and most effulgent savior,
With the bountifully pungent alacrity of the vivacious rainbows wholesomely dictating each of my inebriated senses; and the gloriously fathomless sky as my sole and most triumphant savior,
With the intriguingly inscrutable storms of mesmerizing artistry wholesomely dictating each of my deadened senses; and the mystical labyrinths of
mellifluous music as my sole and most victorious savior,
With the incredulously mollifying chords of benign selflessness wholesomely dictating each of myevanescent senses; and the chapters of irrefutably
unassailable truth as my sole and most jubilant savior,
With the tirelessly bewitching cisterns of the enigmatic night wholesomely dictating each of my remorseful senses; and the optimistic beams of the celestial moon as my sole and most impeccable savior,
With the magnificently majestic lines of the profound palm wholesomely dictating each of my penurious senses; and the seductively alluring trails of inexplicable mystery as my sole and most adventurous savior,
With the timelessly stupefying serendipity of the euphoric meadows wholesomely dictating each of my thwarted senses; and the rhapsodically undefeated entrenchment of golden dewdrops as my sole and most fascinating savior,
With the royally unbridled gush of the ravishing clouds wholesomely dictating each of my parsimonious senses; and the torrential downpour of handsome rain as my sole and most enchanting savior,
With the unshakably potent fructification of the blissful seed wholesomely dictating each of my devastated senses; and the amazingly indomitable virility of black soil as my sole and most burgeoning savior,
With the incomparably tantalizing reverberations of voluptuous lightening wholesomely dictating each of my cloistered senses; and the immeasurable exultation of dusk as my sole and most effervescent savior,
With the unprejudiced heavenly mists of sparkling innocence wholesomely dictating each of my vespered senses; and the indefatigably altruistic harbingers of humanity as my sole and most ebullient saviors,
With the unflinchingly perennial bellow of Omniscient breath wholesomely dictating each of my obfuscated senses; and the cloudbursts of unceasingly brilliant life as my sole and most unbiased savior,
With the incessantly trumpeting beats of the immortal heart wholesomely dictating each of my dawdling senses; and the bounteously spell binding elixir of
infallibly true love as my sole and most liberated savior,
Was how I exactly wanted our very first kiss to passionately happen O! blessedly nubile beloved; of course and wholesomely all by the grace of the Omnpresently eternal Almighty Lord.
The celestially emollient perspiration might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! spell binding beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our timelessly impeccable perseverance; was being perpetually written by the unassailably Omnipotent Lord Almighty,
The lusciously seductive lips might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! magnetic beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our tirelessly insatiable passion; was being perpetually written by the insuperably Omnipresent Lord Almighty,
The innocuously untainted eyes might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! beautiful beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our bountifully burgeoning empathy; was being perpetually written by the royally unshakable Lord Almighty,
The mischievously flirtatious eyelashes might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! virile beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our uninhibitedly rhapsodic flirtation; was being perpetually written by the infallibly brilliant Lord Almighty,
The inscrutably silken palms might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! pristine beloved ; but fortunatelyfor us; the story of our majestically unfettered destiny; was being perpetually written by the indomitably Omniscient Lord Almighty,
The poignantly crimson blood might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! heavenly beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our unconquerably humanitarian relationship; was being perpetually written by the victoriously mesmerizing Lord Almighty,
The fearlessly unflinching bones might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! everlasting beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our peerlessly faithful strength; was being perpetually written by the unendingly fructifying Lord Almighty,
The artistically nubile whispers might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! enchanting beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our mellifluously impregnable romance; was being perpetually written by the undefeated spectacular Lord Almighty,
The unbelievably ecstatic goose-bumps might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! redolent beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our unrelentingly amazing excitement; was being perpetually written by the benevolently undaunted Lord Almighty,
The blissfully intriguing virility might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! eternal beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our euphorically innocent children; was being perpetually written by the unchallangably priceless Lord Almighty,
The effusively restless feet might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! sacrosanct beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our enigmatically blessed
adventure; was being perpetually written by the triumphantly unfettered Lord Almighty,
The ravishingly fluttering hair might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! poignant beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our bewitchingly unparalleled sensuality; was being perpetually written by the ubiquitously egalitarian Lord Almighty,
The tenderly nectar-laden fingers might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! undying beloved; but fortunately forus; the story of our incomparably utopian artistry; was being perpetually written by the invincibly ever-pervading Lord Almighty,
The seductively rain-soaked napes might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! effulgent beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our divinely rekindling electricity; was being perpetually written by the interminably benign Lord Almighty,
The congruously exuberant whistles might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! regale beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our unlimitedly boundless happiness; was being perpetually written by the magnanimously Herculean Lord Almighty,
The stupendously panoramic brains might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! adorable beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our insuperably unceasing
fantasies; was being perpetually written by the ardently venerated Lord Almighty,
The fascinatingly reverberating spines might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! resplendent beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our endlessly enthralling titillation; was being perpetually written by the unconquerably truthful Lord Almighty,
The fiery passionate breaths might be undoubtedly yours and mine O! inimitable beloved; but fortunately for us; the story of our iridescently spell-binding
life; was being perpetually written by the perennially ameliorating Lord Almighty,
And the fathomlessly compassionate hearts be undoubtedly yours and mine O! tantalizing beloved; butfortunately for us; the story of our immortally fragrant love; was being perpetually written by the marvelously all-powerful Lord Almighty.
As soon as the rain came tumbling tempestuously from crimson sky; the acrimoniously scorching desert sands were blissfully back in business,
As soon as tendrils of scrumptiously green grass came upon the treacherously barren slopes; the miserably divested cow was radiantly back in business,
As soon as the spellbindingly boisterous bee came to uninhibitedly philander in the disparagingly lambasted garden; the derogatorily squandered rose was ingratiatingly back in business,
As soon as invincible blankets of iron came to majestically blend with conspicuously frigid mud; the pathetically emaciated iron was astoundingly back in business,
As soon as rhapsodic undulations of sea water came to monotonously nondescript land; the flagrantly slavering fish were celestially back in business,
As soon as untamed whirlpools of ebulliently ravishing breeze came to the lugubriously still atmosphere; the egregiously devastated birds were bountifully back in business,
As soon as exuberantly iridescent rainbows came to the fathomlessly lackadaisical skies; the disastrously dwindling peacocks were euphorically back in business,
As soon as mystically luminescent nightfall came to the torturously bereaved forests; the disdainfully silent snakes were triumphantly back in business,
As soon as fireballs of unlimited compassion came to the fabric of manipulatively estranged planet; the derogatorily deteriorating artist was royally back in business,
As soon as the mists of relentlessly cavorting mischief came to the sonorously morbid atmosphere; the forlornly trembling butterfly was connubially back in
As soon as streams of mellifluously vibrant beauty came to every cranny of this murderously bellicose planet; the fantastically fantasizing and holistic brain was gloriously back in business,
As soon as the resplendently twinkling circus came to the ghoulishly beleaguered mortuary; the truculently whipped clowns were enthusiastically back in business,
As soon as winds of luxuriously opulence came to every dilapidated street of this impoverished planet; the hoarsely extradited beggars were victoriously back in
As soon as mirrors of unassailably egalitarian selflessness came to this venomously lecherous earth; the traumatically extinguishing flames of truth and pristinely untainted unity; were jubilantly back in business,
As soon as shadows of intriguingly princely silkenness came to the jaggedly corrugated periphery of earth; the dementedly delirious fairies were wholeheartedly back in business,
As soon as the corridors of unshakable hope came to the corpses of horrendously maiming stagnation; the despondently fading beams of enlightenment were unflinchingly back in business,
As soon as fearlessly exotic air came to the gruesomely stuttering jacket of penurious lungs; the diabolically shivering bloodstreams were timelessly back in business,
As soon as undefeated infernos of impeccable integrity came to the politically corrupt civilization; the rapidly sagging Sun of patriotism was unconquerably back in business,
And as soon as fathomless gorge’s of immortal love came to the preposterously sinful coffins of ghostly betrayal; the haplessly silent and unfortunate heart was perpetually back in business.
A one to one with her majestically emphatic eyes; and I felt as if dancing in the aisles of pristinely burgeoning paradise; for an infinite more births of mine,
A one to one with her lusciously redolent lips; and I felt as if uninhibited exhilaration couldn’t have been ever better; with my desire to survive now more insuperably profound; than the entire wave of existence on this fathomless planet,
A one to one with her impeccably royal conscience; and I felt as if there was the Sun of Omnipotent truth; on even the most infinitesimally fugitive cranny of this colossal Universe,
A one to one with her magically resplendent palms; and I felt as if I was united in the cosmos of everlasting humanity for times immemorial; as if I was destined to forever bond with every conceivable fraternity of mankind,
A one to one with her robustly effulgent cheeks; and I felt as if timelessly singing in the caverns of immaculately unadulterated childhood; wonderfully assimilating every ounce of heavenly mischief from the spell-binding atmosphere,
A one to one with her iridescently twinkling feet; and I felt as if unlimitedly fantasizing in the raindrops of untamed sensuality; with life seeming to be the ultimate dance of enriching optimism,
A one to one with her flirtatiously winking eyelashes; and I felt as if revived from countless feet beneath my cadaverously morbid grave; with every quintessential life as fresh as vividly poignant ocean salt,
A one to one with her euphorically passionate veins; and I felt as if the most emolliently empathizing organism on this boundless earth; invincibly coalescing with every celestial stream of living kind,
A one to one with her ravishingly cascading hair; and I felt every ounce of excitement on earth and endless kilometers beyond; had thunderously descended down in glorious unison; upon the treacherously emaciated pores of my dying skin,
A one to one with her tantalizingly exotic belly; and I felt as if the unsurpassably enchanting fabric of seductive night had blessedly arrived; even as acrimoniously blistering rays of the Sun stabbed me in the whites and blacks of my eyes,
A one to one with her mellifluously endowing voice; and I felt as if the most unprecedentedly ebullient epitomes of mesmerizing paradise; blissfully
enshrouded me from every construable side,
A one to one with her miraculously benevolent shadow; and I felt as if I had been wholesomely absolved of even the tiniest of my sins in past and present life; unassailably wrapped in the belly of unflinching compassion for centuries unfathomable,
A one to one with her artistically eclectic fingers; and I felt as if the mantra of “United We Stand”; was the only sermon to panoramically survive for a countless births beyond my truncated time,
A one to one with her endlessly subliming camaraderie; and I felt as if the power of gregariously bonding oneness; was an ardor greater than the greatest of wealth on this inexhaustibly charming globe,
A one to one with her fantastically evolving brain; and I felt as if perennially priceless life spawned out of bizarrely tawdry nothingness; jubilantly embellishing every cranny of the lackadaisically corrupt world; with the fragrance of triumphant fantasy,
A one to one with her gloriously golden sweat; and I felt as if the essence of unconquerable honesty; timelessly transcended over even the most infidel whisker of the devil; frivolously transgressing venerated mother soil,
A one to one with her Omnipresently godly soul; and I felt as if holistically consecrated by the winds of divine disarmament; with every trace of haplessly deteriorating terrorism; forever and ever and ever evaporating into the coffins of hell,
A one to one with her melodiously sweet nape; and I felt as if rainshowers of torrential virility erupted from even the most deadened pores of my skin; as I unstoppably surged forward to continue the Lord’s sacrosanct chapters of procreation,
A one to one with her unbelievably exultating bosom; and I felt as if my body was nothing but a gorge of endlessly augmenting desire; harmoniously placated by virgin milk in the kingly atmosphere,
A one to one with her victoriously fiery breath; and I felt as if the unshakably intrepid elixir of life could never ever end; with even the most disastrously penalizing trauma on this planet; wonderfully metamorphosing into a cloud of revitalizing happiness,
And a one to one with her immortally throbbing heartbeats; and I felt as I was born to do nothing; to say nothing; to dream nothing; to spawn nothing; but just the fruit of ever-pervadingly fructifying love; love and only beautiful love .
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every droplet of my euphorically mesmerizing sweat; and she on the other hand torturously evaporated every ounce of happiness from my life; even an infinite years after we got married ?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every of my celestially euphoric smiles; and she on the other hand made me unjustly cry
a countless tears of murderous hell; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every stream of my quintessentially life-bestowing blood; and she on the other hand in humanitarianly buried me under a fathomless graveyard of her meaningless deliriousness; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every triumphantly rhapsodic fantasy of mine; and she on the other hand metamorphosed every treasured moment of mine into the most diabolically asphyxiating of nightmare; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every ingredient of my untamed sensuality; and she on the other hand heartlessly castrated me of all my virility and vitality; right in the center of the boisterous street; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every of my pricelessly untainted adventure; and she on the other hand devilishly incarcerated me in the prisons of her hedonistic sadism; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every of my inimitably seductive whisper; and she on the other hand yelled a boundless
volley of abuses at me for no ostensible reason or rhyme; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every element of my altruistically infallible philanthropism; and she on the other hand criminally cremated the last bone of my spine alive; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every of my royally resplendent destiny line; and she on the other hand made me sacrilegiously beg on the sordidly deplorable and orphaned streets; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every line of my perennially compassionate poetry; and she on the other hand blew me away like an obliviously fictitious speck in her spuriously lecherous cigar smoke; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every poignantly enthralling sound that I heard; and she on the other hand truculently numbed each of my senses with her unrelentingly tyrannical wickedness; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every benevolent word that I uttered; and she on the other hand venomously snapped my tongue into an innumerable halves as I was solely praising her; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every molecule of my peerlessly invincible strength; and she on the other hand guffawed her heart out after insouciantly excoriating my hide and feeding it to stray pigs; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every timelessly reinvigorated goose-bump on my flesh; and she on the other hand maniacally dumped me under the most robotically fetid of junkyards; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every artistic fragrance that radiated from my nerves; and she on the other hand ruthlessly
trounced and kicked me through the corpses of devastating prejudice; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every ray of my truthfully emollient soul; and she on the other hand mercilessly torched every pore of my body with the disparaging hell of lies; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every vein of my pricelessly undefeated life; and she on the other hand left me to cadaverously shudder and die; even an infinite years after we got married?
Was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every of my unconquerably iridescent breath; and she on the other hand gave me the most
worthlessly despicable death at her very own hands; even an infinite years after we got married?
And was it my fault that I loved her more than I could have ever loved every beat of my passionately immortal heart; and she on the other hand smooched and mated for times immemorial with another man right infront of my own eyes; even an infinite years after we got married?
O! Yes; it was none other Omnipotent love solely by itself and in its most gloriously unimpeachable form; which majestically conquered an infinite more meadows of resplendently burgeoning love,
O! Yes; it was insuperable love solely by itself and in its most compassionately unfettered form; which undyingly harnessed an infinite more skies of immortally interminable love,
O! Yes; it was royal love solely by itself and in its most charismatically poignant form; which triumphantly suckled an infinite more droplets of sensuously nubile
O! Yes; it was virgin love solely by itself and in its most pristinely unadulterated form; which irresistibly mated with an infinite more rainbows of vivaciouslycavorting love,
O! Yes; it was timelessly eternal love solely by itself and in its most ubiquitously untainted form; which unsurpassably evolved an infinite more cisterns of wonderfully emollient love,
O! Yes; it was victoriously mellifluous love solely by itself and in its most iridescently magnanimous form; which indefatigably patronized an infinite more harbingers of spell-bindingly heavenly love,
O! Yes; it was bountifully ecstatic love solely by itself and in its most euphorically fructifying form; which inevitably invited an infinite more cosmos’s of perennially ameliorating love,
O! Yes; it was universally blessing love solely by itself and in its most rhapsodically divine form; which tirelessly perpetuated an infinite more gorges of metaphorically copious love,
O! Yes; it was wonderfully Omnipresent love solely by itself and in its most bountifully extemporizing form; which aristocratically transpired an infinite more atmosphere’s of harmoniously egalitarian love,
O! Yes; it was unbelievably redolent love solely by itself and in its most humanitarianly priceless form; which ardently worshipped an infinite more temples of unassailably venerated love,
O! Yes; it was unceasingly serendipitous love by itself and in its most gorgeously unshakable form;which intriguingly sketched an infinite more natural
landscapes of stupendously inscrutable love,
O! Yes; it was ever-pervadingly young love by itself and in its most robustly impregnable form; which limitlessly sung an infinite more songs of beautifully
virile love,
O! Yes; it was everlastingly seductive love by itself and in its most Omnisciently potent form; which magnetically exuded into an infinite more reverberations of unflinchingly indomitable love,
O! Yes; it was blissfully emancipating love by itself and in its most thunderously compassionate form; which irrefutably signed an infinite more bonds of
indisputably benevolent love,
O! Yes; it was symbiotically fragrant love by itself and in its most spectacularly multiplying form; which infallibly united with an infinite more fortresses of
peerlessly fathomless love,
O! Yes; it was mystically enamoring love by itself and in its most perpetually invincible form; which unchallangably reincarnated an infinite more mists of
celestially endless love,
O! Yes; it was magically reinvigorating love by itself and in its most supremely innocuous form; whichunstoppably spawned into an infinite more seeds of
regally fearless love,
O! Yes; it was ebulliently fiery love by itself and in its most rejoicingly transcending form; which perennially breathed an infinite more breaths of passionately godly love,
O! Yes; it was surreally tantalizing love by itself and in its most immorally faithful form; which unabashedly tied the nuptial thread with an infinite more brides of effervescently boisterous love .
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose wonderfully luscious lips; invincibly started and ended; my every passionately ignited and bountifully iridescent; kiss;
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose rhapsodically emancipating eyes; spell-bindingly started and ended; my every royally unfettered and victoriously poignant; fantasy,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose intricately silken feet; ecstatically started and ended; my every intrepidly titillating and timelessly reinvigorating; adventure,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose sensuously reverberating spine; unbelievably started and ended; my every interminably voluptuous and
beautifully euphoric; caress,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose victoriously effulgent palms; stupendously started and ended; my every stroke of joyously unbridled and
inscrutably bewitching; destiny,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose ravishingly titillating hair; handsomely started and ended; my every unabashedly liberating and vivaciously blessed; dance,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose gorgeously seductive nape; inebriatingly started and ended; my every immaculately wondrous and regally
ameliorating; nibble,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose uninhibitedly dimpled chin; marvelously started and ended; my every anecdote of pristinely sparkling and
insatiably charismatic; mischief,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose ravenously effervescent belly; potently started and ended; my every fierily unending and fabulously
exultated; lick,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose rapturously blushing cheeks; poignantly started and ended; my every odyssey of inimitably undying and
victoriously unprecedented; excitement,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose blissfully sweat-laden armpit; irrefutably started and ended; my every trail of truthfully emollient and
indefatigably insuperable; perseverance,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose mellifluously holistic fingers; ecstatically started and ended; my every impeccably benign and unsurpassably altruistic; artistry,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose flirtatiously flapping ears; indomitably started and ended; my every timelessly augmenting and mystically
groping; desire,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose compassionately roused bosom; unflinchingly started and ended; my every vial of peerlessly fecund and
blessedly magnetic; virility,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose densely enamoring brow; vividly started and ended; my every enigmatically evoking and serenely serendipitous;
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose thunderously electric thighs; uncontrollably started and ended; my every humanely ardent and eternally
emaciated; longing,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose magically ameliorating soul; harmoniously started and ended; my every act of wonderfully egalitarian and
unconquerably symbiotic; humility,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose incomprehensibly perennial nostrils; aristocratically started and ended; my every expedition of romantically princely and unimaginably heroic; life,
You. Yes it was only you O! Beloved. At whose immortally throbbing heart; perpetually started and ended; my every beat of divinely blossoming and
insuperably uniting; love .
To make my eyes special; I feasted them on the unfathomable repertoire of God’s astounding beauty; recounting the same to my blind mates submerged in a
blanket of derogatory despair,
To make my hands special; I hoisted innocuous orphans high up in the air; escalating them towards their elestial dreams,
To make my feet special; I marched and ran indefatigable kilometers on the trot; intrepidly fighting for my tyrannized motherland,
To make my lips special; I uninhibitedly unleashed them into a benign smile; imparting perpetual rays of hope to my impoverished mates in inexplicable pain,
To make my destiny special; I wholeheartedly led each instant of my life; relishing every ray of the Golden Sun on my nimble skin; as each minute unveiled,
To make my tongue special; I sang the harmoniously philanthropic hymns of humanity; endeavoring my best to unite all alike; with the irrefutable voice of
To make my teeth special; I profoundly savored the fruits of mother nature; propagating the essence of blissful non-violence in every quarter of the
manipulatively violent planet,
To make my reflection special; I used it to cast spells of rejuvenating exhilaration; upon my dreary compatriots; sinking horrendously towards obdurate soil,
To make my bones special; I indefatigably persevered all night and day to achieve the ultimate mission of my life; uplift treacherously withering humanity; to an exotic paradise,
To make my hair special; I allowed them to drift freely with the gushing breeze; not restraining them to flow into any religion or creed,
To make my mind special; I fantasized intransigently in the aisles of fabulous desire; formidably augmenting my vision to serve planet earth; as the days unfurled,
To make my blood special; I drained it out entirely from my veins; enlightening the lives of those relinquishing breath rapidly; to blend with diabolical doomsday,
To make my shoulders special; I alighted the revered deities of my divinely parents till times immemorial; transporting them to the most; inconspicuously remote places that they had always wanted,
To make my existence special; I unflinchingly kept performing my flurry of tasks; impregnably entwining my hands with my fellow beings in traumatic distress and agonizing pain,
To make my ears special; I absorbed the unsurpassable melody in the exuberant breeze; taught the demons to relish the benign tunes of Almighty God,
To make my breath special; I planted an insurmountable battalion of trees; bonding each puff of air I exhaled; perennially with impeccable living beings,
To make my conscience special; I adopted the path of everlasting righteousness; irrevocably avoiding the temptations of salaciously lecherous desire,
To make my soul special; I left every element of its goodness to wander far and wide across this globe; illuminating unfound beams of optimism; in all lives shattered and satanically buried under mountains of utter helplessness,
And to make my heart special; I immortally loved the person of my dreams for infinite more births to come; letting the Omnipotent beats of our love; embrace and exist together with over other tangible being .
Rhapsodic joy replaced; agonizing anecdotes of despairing sadness,
Opulent wealth replaced; disastrously impoverished caricatures of; miserably slithering poverty,
Impeccably sparkling light replaced; deplorably fetid darkness; a dungeon of parasitic gloom since centuries unprecedented,
Tornados of Herculean strength replaced; despicably withering bodies; tottering towards the corridors of extinction,
A festoon of torrentially amicable smiles replaced; morbidly frustrating boredom; pulverizing you to raw ash each instant,
Voluptuously charismatic blankets of mysticism replaced; stringent monotony; augmenting more hideously than the devils as time unveiled,
Nostalgic childhood replaced; lecherous incidents of ghastly manipulation; tyrannizing you to the realms of ultimate doomsday,
Incessantly ticking clock replaced; baseless laziness; perpetually massacring the last iota of exuberant energy from your robust body,
Invincible conviction replaced; entities stuttering at every step they took; eventually collapsing like a pile of inconspicuous matchsticks,
Persevering hard work replaced; lackadaisically nictitating mice; surrendering in meek submission; even before the mission commenced,
Prudently sagacious education replaced; hopeless caverns of pathetic illiteracy; pulverizing a person like mincemeat; in today’s acrimonious society,
Irrefutable truth replaced; gory corpses of blatant lies; infiltrating like a pertinent leech into blissful quarters of society,
Immaculate skies of honesty replaced; heartbreaking encounters of betrayal; utterly devastating an individual to lead a shamefully crippled life,
Indefatigable cloud covers of innovation replaced; abhorrent stagnation; rotting treacherously towards the satanic atmosphere of hell,
Insatiable simplicity replaced; the unfathomable webs of bizarre complication; uncouthly stabbing each asset of preciously gifted life,
Enchanting rain’s of fantasy replaced; frigidly heinous commercial reality; profusely incapacitating man from; enriching with God’s grace,
Resplendently twinkling stars replaced; anguished wounds in inexplicable pain; a terrorizing darkness that enveloped like perilous swords from all sides,
Ravishingly exotic ocean’s of fragrance replaced; insurmountably decaying stench of the gutters; inundated with crime; lies and derogatory messengers of mankind,
The innocent voice of the conscience replaced; all sinister sins of past; present and future lives,
But there was no replacement for Love; as the moment you tried to replace it; it only got substituted by more formidable equations of immortal love; for as long as life on the planet existed; for as long as it took birth again; and again and again .
Love is not just a definition,
It is a boundless reservoir of empathy; not yielding the slightest even in the most acrimonious of storm .
Love is not just a word,
It is an impregnable fortress; which withstands the most mightiest of condemnation and torrential attack .
Love is not just a desire,
It is an immortal relationship; blossoming into a festoon of benign goodness as each instant unveiled .
Love is not just an infatuation,
It is an astounding rainbow inundated with infinite colors and charm; bonding in threads of a perpetual relationship for centuries immemorial .
Love is not just a gift,
It is the summit of ultimate ecstasy in every living beings life; escalating like an untamed inferno; seductively over the starry skies .
Love is not just a philosophy,
It is a perennially sacred verse; which miraculously alleviates the most gruesome of suffering; by its mere incantation from the periphery of the lips .
Love is not just a spark,
It is an everlasting desire which astonishingly proliferates as time passes; transcending over the worst of boredom; misery and pain .
Love is not just a titillation,
It is an enchanting caress which makes you feel the richest entity alive; embracing all religion and mankind; in the swirl of its Omnipotent aura .
And love is not just a dream,
It is an immortal reality which has been there even before this earth was created; bonding hearts all across the trajectory of this boundless Universe in its enthralling entrenchment; giving them a reason to beat .
The most disgraceful thing for the skies; was to have their gorgeously fathomless periphery; savagely encrypted by a battalion of ominously heinous clouds,
The most disgraceful thing for the dog; was to have its handsomely harmonious body; brutally kicked by its charismatically revered master,
The most disgraceful thing for the deserts; was to have their boundlessly celestial carpet of glistening sands; inundated with Herculean tons of capriciously insipid water,
The most disgraceful thing for the discotheque; was to have its bombastically sleazy interiors; holistically invaded by blissfully sacrosanct prayer and painstakingly persevering rhyme,
The most disgraceful thing for the forests; was to have their mystically romantic and profusely scented surroundings; heinously perpetuated by obnoxiously acrimonious gas; become a commercial warehouse for monotonously vindictive business magnates,
The most disgraceful thing for the sharks; was to impregnate their preposterously mammoth mouths with diminutively worthless vegetables; slither incessantly on frigid soil amidst a mountain of; lackadaisically nonchalant seaweed,
The most disgraceful thing for the cow; was to perennially ooze opulently spurious wine from its overwhelmingly divinely teats; replenish its stomach with parsimonious garbage left overs; left by the uncouthly barbaric society for its nocturnal meal,
The most disgraceful thing for the ocean; was to have its ravishingly undulating and timeless expanse of waves; salaciously pervaded upon by hideously gargantuan tankers of morbidly murderous oil,
The most disgraceful thing for the birds; was to have their rhetorically nimble and flamboyantly boisterous demeanor’s incarcerated behind appalling prison bars; being treacherously bereft of galloping flight,
The most disgraceful thing for the old; was to have their devastatingly ailing bodies being treated like pieces of insanely threadbare shit; being opprobriously castigated from their own dwellings; by their irascibly impudent kin,
The most disgraceful thing for the corpse; was to have its dolorously dreary interiors sagaciously infiltrated by vivaciously sparkling life; bloom into miraculous resplendence; the very word which was a lethal venom for its perilously sinister ears,
The most disgraceful thing for the teacher; was to be belligerently rebuked by his unsurpassable horde of immaculate students; being boycotted with the tag of
“Liar”, for ostensibly no fault of his,
The most disgraceful thing for the athlete; was to disastrously stumble into obdurately mortifying soil; the instant he alighted his robustly sparkling foot;
in electric exuberance from the starting line,
The most disgraceful thing for the writer; was to have his most pricelessly countless volumes of spell binding literature; menacingly excoriated apart into a trillion specks of lackluster dust; the very alphabets which he had so ardently harnessed with his very own; crimson blood,
The most disgraceful thing for the stomach; was to meaninglessly puke out even the last iota of food synergistically entrapped within; after consuming the most harmoniously blessed ingredients of Mother Nature,
The most disgraceful thing for the shadow; was to have its stupendously enigmatic contours lecherously punctured by maniacally concrete civilizations of rigidity; have its silken grace manipulatively trespassed by greedy tycoons,
The most disgraceful thing for the conscience; was to be incomprehensibly burdened by a dungeon of blatantly abhorrent lies; wholesomely vanquish its spirit of irrefutably godly righteousness; at the slightest of greedy provocation,
The most disgraceful thing for existence; was to be indefatigably enshrouded by precarious hurricanes of stagnating death; perpetually relinquish its Omnipotent aura; to the deplorable hell of non-existence,
And the most disgraceful thing for love; was diabolically bellicose betrayal; being viciously slapped by the person it had uninhibitedly devoted its countless lifetimes; being left to wander with solely a remorseful heart; but sadly no beats .
Gruesome carpets of despairing blindness had set upon her magnificently sparkling countenance; enveloping her perennially in a world of bizarre darkness,
But it was my eyes that had veritably lost every iota of sight; as I stumbled like an insane lunatic in every sphere of life; tragically devastated in whirlpools of ghastly depression .
Gory leprosy had descended lecherously upon her marvelously blissful demeanor; brutally incapacitating her in wholesome entirety; for the remainder of her life,
But it was my hands and feet that had veritably lost even the most tiniest of ability to hoist; as I haplessly staggered in a tornado of doom; for centuries immemorial .
Barbaric dumbness had salaciously entrenched upon her majestically royal countenance; ruthlessly chopping every cranny of her robustly melodious cadence; into a countless pieces of insipid nothingness,
But it was my tongue that had veritably lost even the most remotest of ability to speak; as I pathetically slithered on remorseful spit; without the slightest sound emanating from my tyrannized throat .
Diabolical sadness had fathomlessly enveloped upon her sparklingly robust stride; penalizing her immaculate grace for absolutely no fault of hers,
But it was my lips that had veritably relinquished all smiles; as I drunk tears of horrendous solitude each unfurling instant of the treacherous day; trespassing
through a battlefield of vindictive prejudice soaked in ghastly blood; all my life .
Ominously irascible cancer had cascaded down upon her blisteringly flamboyant visage; murderously asphyxiating all her glorious happiness in destined life,
But it was my body that veritably puked everything that I tried to ravishingly swallow; with a tinge of lecherously debilitating yellow; proliferating astoundingly; upon my hopelessly extinguishing senses .
Savage termites had crawled upon from all sides upon her magically glistening persona; barbarically attacking her with contemptuously opprobrious lechery,
But it was my veins that veritably lost every ingredient of scarlet blood; as I incessantly floated like a lifeless skeleton; through the corpse of gory death and in the graveyard of malicious abhorrence .
Overpowering darkness had viciously infiltrated upon her gorgeously delectable reflection; crippling her invidiously of all those blissfully romantic moments;
in euphorically vibrant life,
But it was my dwelling that had veritably abnegated all traces of dynamic light; as I couldn’t find even my own silhouette; decaying into wisps of worthlessly
horrific oblivion .
Perfidious paralysis had vindictively gripped her enamoringly scintillating scent from all sides; treacherously overtoppling her from Omnipotent realms of blissfully blessed sleep,
But it was my heart that had veritably ceased to function; ludicrously dissolving all its passionate reservoir of beats with domains of penalizing hell; ruthlessly massacring even the most priceless of emotion; and the chapter of immortal love .
And devilishly unforgiving death had stooped perilously upon her daintily tinkling royalty; rendering her meaninglessly at the last stage of her most fabulously priceless existence,
But it was my breath that had veritably snapped in wholesome entirety from my deplorably bleeding nostrils; as I reached heaven even before the most ethereal of her shadow could creep through; to welcome her as her unassailable lover; eternally and once again .
I wanted to dedicate my diminutive eyes; solely to her majestically blooming cisterns of poignant empathy; sleep in her voluptuous eyelashes; for centuries immemorial,
I wanted to dedicate my abraded lips; solely to her aristocratically tinkling smile; be profusely assimilated in the silver saliva that she slurped; every time she compassionately pursed her mouth,
I wanted to dedicate my withering cheeks; solely to her profoundly crimson blushes; rejoicing in her ebullient whirlwind of happiness; as she ecstatically tread on satiny soil,
I wanted to dedicate my penurious palms; solely to her fabulously enigmatic destiny; rhetorically maneuvering every element of my existence; to the vivacious tunes of her magnetic life,
I wanted to dedicate my distraught scalp; solely to her ravishingly tantalizing hair; become the marvelously scintillating swish of air that resonated; whenever she seductively swayed her head,
I wanted to dedicate my pecuniary chin; solely to her nostalgically titillating reflection; blending every iota of my holistic spirit in entirety; to her overwhelmingly magnetic persona,
I wanted to dedicate my fatigued chest; solely to her melodiously unassailable soul; coalescing every cranny of my pathetically dwindling senses; with the Omnipotent magic in her crimson blood,
I wanted to dedicate my mutilated feet; solely to her impeccable stride; wholesomely becoming every step that she trespassed on; to evolve a magnificently scintillating tomorrow,
I wanted to dedicate my famished hunger; solely to her perennially augmenting yearning for voluptuously charismatic desire; become every ingredient of her
piquantly replenished and marvelously alluring grace,
I wanted to dedicate my nomadic ears; solely to her ingratiatingly rhapsodic sound; bounce with stupendous exhilaration in the garden of her perpetually ravishing enchantment,
I wanted to dedicate my rustically wandering neck; solely to her sensuously drifting and captivatingly euphoric aura; relentlessly cuddle in the ferociously tangy warmth of her divine countenance,
I wanted to dedicate my mercurial teeth; solely to her vibrantly nubile back; igniting fireballs of tumultuous longing in every iota of her flesh; as I nibbled tenderly; till the very last of my veritable breath,
I wanted to dedicate my countless bones; solely to her irrefutably impregnable cause for philanthropic righteousness; become every vein of her never ending tenacity; to mitigate inexplicable suffering from planet earth,
I wanted to dedicate my dolorous shadow; solely to her astoundingly enigmatic and benign voice; eternally tracing the euphorically fantastic cadence; in her gloriously vivacious sounds,
I wanted to dedicate my vanquished head; solely to her bountifully sacrosanct feet; intransigently following her sagaciously Omnipotent footsteps; to every cranny of the globe that she went,
I wanted to dedicate my flirtatious shoulders; solely to her supremely princely visage; hoisting her grandiloquent body to beyond the land of infinite infinity; at the most infinitesimal of her Godly command,
I wanted to dedicate my golden sweat; solely to her untamed wave of unrelenting perseverance; mesmerizing each disastrously exhausted pore of my skin; with the celestial river of humanity fulminating profusely; from her eclectic persona,
I wanted to dedicate my truncated breath; solely to her tranquilly bequeathing life; forever become the fragrance of humanitarian righteousness; which she ubiquitously wafted; on her every mystically proliferating step,
And I wanted to dedicate my throbbing heart; solely to her immortally bestowing love; bond every beat wailing in my indiscreetly trembling chest with her Omniscient essence; to tower unequivocally as the ultimate messiah of humanity .
In the bizarre wilderness of the relentlessly dense forests; I intransigently felt as if I was being profoundly devoured; in a world of unending mysticism and uninhibited enigma,
In the dolorously dooming graveyard; I incessantly felt as if I was being morbidly devoured; in whirlpools of remorsefully disastrous depression,
In the heart of the resplendently ravishing ocean; I euphorically felt as I was being tanigly devoured; by unfathomable spurts of frosty exuberance,
In the satiny cover of the opalescently majestic night; I tranquilly felt as if I was being ebulliently devoured; by impregnably enamoring and fabulously fascinating peace,
In the unsurpassably redolent garden of gorgeously scarlet roses; I enchantingly felt as if I was being fragrantly devoured; by insurmountable fireballs of royal scent,
In the monotonously manipulative domains of the corporate office; I unrelentingly felt as if I was being malevolently devoured; by endless waves of horrendously stagnating boredom,
In the entrenchment of discerningly scintillating mirrors; I optimistically felt as if I was being candidly devoured; by the innermost voices of my righteously entrapped conscience,
In the ghastly pool of horrifically diabolical crocodiles; I insidiously felt as if I was being salaciously devoured; by gruesomely acrimonious savagery,
In the panoramic kaleidoscope of the gorgeously blooming gorge; I timelessly felt as if I was being bountifully devoured; by a whole new civilization of astounding newness,
In the impeccably bustling kindergarten of new born infants; I rhapsodically felt as if I was being blissfully devoured; by incomprehensibly compassionate tornado’s; of magnificently divine energy,
In the branches of the inscrutably rustling tree; I intriguingly felt as if I was being profusely devoured; by seductively tantalizing carpets of perennially escalating desire,
In the flames of the unremittingly blazing fire; I dynamically felt as if I was being ardently devoured; by flames of eternally fathomless passion,
In the wings of the overwhelmingly zipping aircraft; I ecstatically felt as if I was being spell bindingly devoured; by a majestically volatile fervor to gallop resurgently; throughout the tenure of my diminutively impoverished life,
In the light of the tantalizingly flickering candle; I ardently felt as if I was being uxoriously devoured; by cisterns of intimately infidel electricity; clinging fanatically close to the visage of my blossoming dreamgirl,
In the disdainfully abominable pigs hutch; I abhorrently felt as if I was being devastatingly devoured; by sordidly forlorn filth and rotting piles of worthless nothingness,
In the land of poetically celestial justice; I romantically felt as if I was being fascinatingly devoured; by limitless caverns of harmoniously tingling contentment; an insatiably philanthropic desire to wholesomely blend with the threads of priceless humanity,
In the midst of the vivaciously gregarious rainbow; I magically felt as I was being splendidly devoured; by holistically iridescent beams of voluptuous innovation; as sparkling hurricanes of fresh energy enveloped each cranny of my; beleaguered countenance,
In the boundless fountain of mesmerizing breath; I Omnisciently felt as I was being miraculously devoured; by infinite more blessed lives; of my very own amiable kind,
And in the unassailably vivid eyes of my ravishing beloved; I immortally felt as I was being beautifully devoured; by the Sun of unequivocally bequeathing love; the rays of a perpetually everlasting relationship; which vehemently refused to die .
The most priceless thing that my mother could ever have bequeathed upon
me; was her unconditional support and compassion; even in my times of
acrimoniously devastating survival,
The most priceless thing that my sister could ever have bequeathed upon me;
was a kaleidoscope of astoundingly intriguing mischief; making me perennially feel that I was that; unscrupulous child once again,
The most priceless thing that my father could ever have bequeathed upon me;
was an unrelenting dynamism to propel forward come what may; blaze more
ferociously than the midday Sun; even in the heart of the perniciously insidious midnight,
The most priceless thing that my grandmother could ever have bequeathed upon me; was a fabulously ingratiating tale of my sparklingly revered ancestors; an unparalleled urge in me to trace back my aboriginal rudiments; till the last breath I that I inhaled,
The most priceless thing that my neighbors could ever have bequeathed upon
me; was an ecstatic spirit of never-dying unity; coalescing every benevolent
step of theirs with my; unflinchingly revolution towards righteousness,
The most priceless thing that my friends could ever have bequeathed upon me;
was an unprecedented ardor to gyrate in mesmerizing boisterousness; shrug
all tensions of the monotonously sweltering day; to wholeheartedly romance
with the winds of the ravishing night,
The most priceless thing that my children could ever have bequeathed upon
me; was profound whirlpools of immaculate newness; that led me to intransigently grope for fascinating enchantment; on every mesmerizing path that I tread,
The most priceless thing that my shadow could ever have bequeathed upon
me; was a cloud of voluptuously titillating excitement; enveloping me in a
whirlwind of seductively princely imagination; for decades unfathomable,
The most priceless thing that my echo could ever have bequeathed upon
me; was a bountifully ringing ebullience; an unassailable magnet of mysticism
that profusely entrenched each of my drearily bedraggled nerves,
The most priceless thing that my pet could ever have bequeathed upon me; was
an irrevocably sacerdotal feeling of timeless faith; a fortress of impregnable solidarity to believe forever; in all philanthropic living kind,
The most priceless thing that my dwelling could ever have bequeathed upon me; was enchantingly blissful support in my times of disastrously stagnating isolation; a synergistically placating vivaciousness; that kept me bereft of all debilitation and murderous disease,
The most priceless thing that my pen could ever have bequeathed upon me; was
ubiquitously enthralling words of candid humanity; an astoundingly amiable
fountain of gregarious relationships; which grew even more formidable in
times of dooming distress,
The most priceless thing that my eyes could ever have bequeathed upon me;
was the marvelous artistry on the canvas of the fathomless Universe; the gloriously Aristocratic beauty hidden in each tranquil particle; of the handsome atmosphere,
The most priceless thing that my ancestors could ever have bequeathed upon me; was such miraculously Omnipotent parents; whose fragrance of stupendously enlightening existence; is what I will always cherish in every diminutive birth of mine,
The most priceless thing that my God could ever have bequeathed upon me; was
an incessant river of boundless creativity; an unsurpassable energy to magically conceive; beyond the intriguingly extraordinary,
The most priceless thing that my conscience could ever have bequeathed upon
me; was the immutably unconquerable sword of divine truth; wholesomely extinguishing the very rudiments; of the chapter called lecherous lies,
The most priceless thing that my breath could ever have bequeathed upon me;
was a tireless ardor to holistically survive; sensuously fantasize beyond the realms of tantalizing paradise; as each puff of ravishing air entered into my famished nostrils,
The most priceless thing that my heart could ever have bequeathed upon me; was a thunderous obsession to chase the innermost voices lingering in my soul; indefatigably resonate in the beats of a majestically melodious existence,
And the most priceless thing that my beloved could ever have bequeathed upon me; was an unending ocean of immortal love; relentlessly teaching me to affably share and desire; relentlessly teaching me to be always helping humanity; and enthusiastically alive .
Till death do us apart; we will intransigently continue to harmoniously sing together; deluge every cranny of the gloomily frustrated atmosphere; with ebulliently euphoric sounds,
Till death do us apart; we will indefatigably continue to tantalizingly dance together; resplendently trigger the voluptuousness of the exotic night; with untamed fireballs of augmenting compassion,
Till death do us apart; we will irrevocably continue to wholeheartedly laugh together; endeavoring our bestto ignite the smiles of priceless humanity; on every lecherous face inundated with remorsefully debilitating disease,
Till death do us apart; we will relentlessly continue to uninhibitedly philander together; blissfully frolicking in the aisles of rhapsodic desire and benign happiness; for centuries immemorial,
Till death do us apart; we will unitedly continue to coalesce all mankind together; try our ultimate best to melange all religions; caste; creed and tribe alike; in the sea of glittering humanity,
Till death do us apart; we will sensuously continue to fantasize together; fabulously wander in the lanes of bountifully bequeathing paradise; romancing with every element of the fathomlessly majestic beauty around,
Till death do us apart; we will immutably continue to discover together; evolving a fantastically new township of vivacious grace and incredulously astounding intrigue; on every step that we holistically tread,
Till death do us apart; we will irrefutably continue to bless together; bestowing an unfathomable whirlpool of philanthropic richness; upon every inexplicably
devastated counterpart of ours; whom we encountered in our way,
Till death do us apart; we will ardently continue to cry together; unequivocally sharing our triumph as well as ghastly sorrows alike; profusely entrenched in bonds of magically Omnipotent empathy,
Till death do us apart; we will relentlessly continue to fight together; assimilating every iota of our surreptitiously entrapped courage and solidarity; to forever drive the ominous traitors; gorily decimating our sacrosanct motherland,
Till death do us apart; we will unsurpassably continue to paint together; delectably capturing the entire beauty of this boundless planet; in the vivacious kaleidoscope of our piquant eyes,
Till death do us apart; we will miraculously continue to procreate together; spawning gloriously immaculate offsprings of our very own crimson blood; contributing our very best in continuing God’s most holy chapter of blooming existence,
Till death do us apart; we will obsessively continue to learn together; celestially imbibing all the stupendously synergistic goodness that lingered bountifully in the atmosphere; and then disseminating its Omniscient essence to every household asphyxiated with gruesome darkness,
Till death do us apart; we will inexorably continue to fly together; exuberantly surge forward with the full fervor of life; to blossom the flower of our benevolently beautiful dreams; into a veritably sparkling reality,
Till death do us apart; we will indefatigably continue to march together; blend our innocuously righteous palms in the walls of unassailable solidarity; unflinchingly ready to tackle any diabolical devil; who dared stop us in our truthful way,
Till death do us apart; we will insatiably continue to err together; inadvertently ommit an unfathomable volley of mistakes; which would timelessly leave our
footprints on this earth as pure humans; every time it was given a chance to be born,
Till death do us apart; we will perennially continue to eat together; relishing the most gorgeously glorious fruits of Mother nature; cupped symbiotically in our palms and under the seductively milky moonlight,
Till death do us apart; we will perpetually continue to breathe together; surviving as a unconquerably single spirit; least bothered about what the acrimoniously tyrannical society; had to spuriously comment on our eternal relationship,
And till death do us apart; we will immortally continue to love together; impregnably bonding the beats of our passionately thundering hearts in flames of fulminating romance; drinking; eating; breathing; discovering; exploring and preaching; only the elixir of mankind; to ecstatically survive .
My proudest desire; was to be relentlessly desired by her mystically voluptuous eyes; whether they stared lamely into exotic space; or whether they shut themselves into a boundlessly celestial reverie,
My proudest possession; was to be intransigently possessed by her seductively enamoring arms; the compassionate whirlpools of fragrant moisture; that tumultuously encapsulated the inside of her palms,
My proudest fantasy; was to be insatiably fantasized by her intriguingly spell binding brain; become an integral part of her every sensuously titillating dream,
My proudest philosophy; was to be ardently philosophized by her philanthropically benign countenance; as she disseminated every element of goodness in my impoverished soul; to the most fathomless corners of this enchanting earth,
My proudest voice; was to be indefatigably voiced by her melodiously blissful throat; become the poignant rudiments of every sound; that emanated from her rubicund tongue,
My proudest certificate; was to be irrefutably certified by her impeccably majestic grace; as she not only made me feel the opulently blessed organism alive; but marvelously vanquished even the most inadvertently committed sins; of my past life,
My proudest symbol; was to be unequivocally symbolized by her piquantly perpetual senses; as she tirelessly traced every disastrously trembling contour of my body; till infinite kilometers beyond the land of; bountifully everlasting paradise,
My proudest charm; was to be miraculously charmed by her Omnipotent presence; blend every element of my staggeringly debilitated persona; with her magnetically sacrosanct; religion of humanity,
My proudest aspiration; was to be irrevocably aspired by her seductively dancing footsteps; become every silken path on which she tread her; fabulously fervent grace,
My proudest poetry; was to be unrelentingly poeticized by her ecstatically gushing tears of unprecedented happiness; become every landscape of fantastically flowering beauty; which she magnificently sketched on the; gloriously barren canvas,
My proudest obsession; was to be overwhelmingly obsessed by every droplet of Omnisciently crimson blood that traversed like thunderbolts of white lightening through her veins; become everything that she caressed in the tenure of her; blissfully endowed lifetime,
My proudest purification; was to be sagaciously purified by her patriotically marching stride; as she conquered even the most diminutive speck of evil in the atmosphere; with the unfathomable river of empathy; in her mesmerizing conscience,
My proudest feeling; was to be incessantly felt by her harmoniously godly fingers; escalate to the most eternal clouds of steaming romance; as she magically spun the web of her untamed yearning; around every famished pore of my dreary silhouette,
My proudest perception; was to be timelessly perceived by the unsurpassable flames of belonging in her redolent chest; gyrate as the only angel of her life; in the immaculate whites of her eyes,
My proudest teaching; was to be prudently taught by her magnanimously righteous grace; become every ubiquitously priceless principle of mankind; that she diffused like a Goddess; to the remotest corner of this colossal planet,
My proudest light; was to be magnetically lighted by the lamp of her perennially augmenting ebullience; as she uncontrollably fulminated into cloudbursts of
sheer euphoria; at the tiniest of my caress,
My proudest reflection; was to be emphatically reflected in every glimmer that marvelously radiated from her flamboyantly bedazzling sweat; become every
line of destiny wonderfully besieging her Omnipresent hands,
My proudest breath; was to be impregnably breathed by her ardently blazing nostrils; become every iota of ravishing air which she inhaled; into the realms of her innocuously heaving chest,
My proudest love; was to be immortally loved by her unassailably charismatic heart; perpetually live and die; with its handsomely palpitating beats; alike .
Food had never seemed better than it did today; when I was profusely famished to the last core of my bedraggled intestines; frantically dithering in dungeons of bizarre starvation,
The valley had never seemed so mesmerizing than it did today; when I found every cranny of my devastatingly monotonous countenance; wholeheartedly breaking free; from chains of tyrannical deprivation,
Sleep had never seemed so grandiloquent than it did today; when I was indefatigably exhausted to the last bone of my treacherously withering spine; and every beleaguered bone of my body; intransigently refused to go even a step further,
Poetry had never seemed so sparkling than it did today; when I uninhibitedly unveiled the disastrously manipulative arenas of my commercially stringent brain; into a fathomless world of fantasy and tantalizingly never-ending desire,
Fur had never seemed so compassionate than it did today; when I uncontrollably trembled in the desolate chill; with nothing but ungainly solitariness; camouflaging me insidiously from all sides,
Roses had never seemed so exotic than they did today; when I pathetically staggered on every step I alighted; insurmountably asphyxiated by the winds of bizarre bloodshed and satanically vicious lechery,
Tears had never seemed so heartwarming than they did today; when I witnessed my long lost mate in robustly blissful form and resplendently bouncing; after centuries immemorial,
Artistry had never seemed so exquisite than it did today; when I frolicked in the garden of voluptuous enchantment; far away and wholesomely oblivious to the
parasitic vagaries; of this blood sucking planet,
The ocean had never seemed so reinvigorating than it did today; when I voraciously blended each pore of my disdainfully squalid body with the tangy waves; after almost a decade of rotting in the viciously dilapidated gutters,
Speed had never seemed so exhilarating than it did today; when I reached the dwelling of my perniciously extinguishing kin; just flash seconds before they
could bid a royal adieu; to the overwhelming mysticism of this perpetual earth,
Light had never seemed so Omnipotent than it did today; when I despondently transgressed through a tunnel of gruesome blackness; with the lids of my eyes
savagely sealed by chains of dolorous prejudice,
The pen had never seemed so priceless than it did today; when I churned an unfathomable epic of poignant emotions with its embellished nib; candidly baring out the inner most recesses of my aimlessly loitering soul,
Smiles had never seemed so gratifying than they did today; when I felt gorily constipated in a web of blatantly hideous lies; burying my face deep down in
dust; to chat with the remorsefully diminutive worms in black soil,
Rainbows had never seemed so vivacious than they did today; when I venomously stagnated in the aisles of insatiably penalizing depression; counting the last days of my life even in the absolute prime of; scintillating nubile youth,
Whistles had never seemed so replenishing than they did today; when I frenziedly groped for the right direction; wholesomely lost amidst the terrorizing maze of; stoically impersonal space age robots,
Mirrors had never seemed so congenial than they did today; when I ardently waited for an invincibly philanthropic friend to lean upon; amusing my impoverished senses with my very own minuscule reflection; for infinite more births of mine yet to come,
Butterflies had never seemed so frolicking than they did today; when I lay penuriously maimed in corridors of devilishly lambasting hell; irrevocably entrenched by a wall of invidious nothingness,
Breath had never seemed so Omnipotent than it did today; when I was miserably slithering on the ground without the most infinitesimal trace of heavenly air;
about to completely abnegate my senses forever; to disappear into non-existent wisps of tragic oblivion,
And love had never seemed so immortal than it did today; when my heart was tumultuously throbbing for the girl whom I had perennially desired; the soul mate for which each beat intensely flaming in my chest; could die this very instant for .
Paint the fathomless kaleidoscope of barren sky; with resplendently ingratiating and vivid clouds,
Paint boundless kilometers of devastated land; with effulgent roses and bountifully blossoming seeds,
Paint countless expanses of lackadaisically dying deserts; with majestic oceans of gigantic cactus and insatiably passionate streams of golden water,
Paint pathetically withering and staggeringly leafless trees; with an unfathomable forest of sparkling fruit and melodiously exuberant cheer,
Paint uncouthly wastrel and brutally kicked stones; with enamoring charisma; and voluptuously tingling exoticism,
Paint acrimoniously ghastly and bloodsucking battlefields; with the miraculously philanthropic ointment of benign humanity,
Paint devastatingly orphaned and penuriously stumbling lives; with perennially unsurpassable blankets of compassionate love,
Paint ungainly devilish and insanely cold blooded parasites; with an eternally everlasting fragrance of benevolent mankind,
Paint the insidiously maverick and doggedly diabolical rocks; with ecstatically tangy spray of the ravishing sea’s,
Paint the squeamishly distorted and deplorably cowardish traitors; with brazenly intrepid winds of patriotically scintillating bravery,
Paint the obsoletely dilapidated and turgidly monotonous walls; with vivacious streaks of fabulous color and overwhelmingly sporting frolic,
Paint the rambunctiously unruly well of stinking frogs; with the curtainspread of blissfully tranquil peace and harmonious synergy,
Paint the souls of all those tyrannically commercial; with symbiotic fountains of uninhibitedly gratifying relationships,
Paint pugnacious arrows of satanically evil; with irrefutably priceless elements of honesty andastoundingly opulent humanity,
Paint the morbidly sullen and remorsefully obnoxious cradle of atmosphere; with an unimaginably Herculeanvalley of tantalizing sounds,
Paint truculently dictatorial and stringently treacherous brains; with passionately romantic flames of graciously seductive fantasy,
Paint the inevitably guilty and ghastily lying walls of the conscience; with the perpetually blistering fabric of sagaciously glittering truth,
Paint insurmountably vast graveyards of sordidly dead; with poignantly iridescent waterfalls of vibrantlytingling life,
And paint my fanatically wandering and relentlessly restless heart O! Almighty Lord; with the divinely immortal and the most celestial religion existing in this world; called UNASSAILABLE LOVE .
Fathomless carpets of voluptuous forests; might be ruled by the royally roaring lions,
But it was her ingratiatingly seductive cocoon of compassionate smiles; that irrefutably and immortally ruled; every iota of my scorchingly parched lips .
Boundless winds of vividly free space; might be ruled by the blazingly uninhibited eagles,
But it was her voluptuously tantalizing aroma; that invincibly and immortally ruled; every cranny of my frigidly dithering senses .
Astronomically towering summits of the mountains; might be ruled by fantastically sweltering and golden sunlight,
But it was her impeccably everlasting shine; that unassailably and immortally ruled; my drearily beleaguered and sagging eyes .
Unfathomable expanses of the ravishingly salty oceans; might be ruled by handsomely gargantuan; and scintillatingly silver striped sharks,
But it was her perennial river of enchanting fantasy; that tangily and immortally ruled; every space of my maniacally deprived brain .
Countless kilometers of blistering desert mud; might be ruled by the indefatigably stout and adorably humble hunch backed camel,
But it was her astounding kaleidoscope of spell binding newness; that endlessly and immortally ruled; every path of my indolently painstaking existence .
Immeasurably colossal sheets of immaculately white canvas; might be ruled by the rhetorically dexterous artist,
But it was her intricately divine fingers; that timelessly and immortally ruled; every part of my languidly stooping flesh .
Unsurpassable blankets of tingling darkness; might be ruled by the Omnisciently milky and mesmerizing moon,
But it was her melodiously enigmatic voice; that blissfully and immortally ruled; every dwindling wave of my impoverished soul .
Countless trajectories of civilizations and synergistic townships; might be ruled by the righteously Godly fireball of unending truth,
But it was her impeccably Omnipotent conscience; that miraculously and immortally ruled; every element of my lugubriously lecherous survival .
Unimaginably ecstatic walls of paradise; might be ruled by seductively silken and stupendously exhilarating fairies,
But it was her vivaciously boisterous breath; that astoundingly and immortally ruled; every vein of my timidly extinguishing countenance .
And the entire Universe boundless and limitless; might be ruled by the grace of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord,
But it was her passionately everlasting love; that relentlessly and immortally ruled; every beat of my capriciously disappearing heart .
Not a single cloth to camouflage my devastatingly tottering body; as I trespassed like a ghoulishly grotesque ghost; through the uncouthly chilly winds of vengefully freezing winter,
Not a single penny in my brutally bedraggled pockets; as I insanely loitered like a barbaric lunatic; through the lanes of overwhelmingly stinking poverty;
and depraving cowardice,
Not a single sound in my satanically rotting throat; as I groped like a parsimoniously dumb rat; through the painstakingly debilitated corridors; of dolorous doom and deprivation,
Not a single hair to envelop my penuriously gleaming scalp; as I became an unsurpassable mountain of deplorable ridicule for the rich and rustically
impoverished; alternatively and alike,
Not a single shade to entrench my hopelessly deadened facial contours; as I pathetically stumbled on every step; into a dungeon of ghastly depression and
horrendous prejudice,
Not a single blush encompassing my haplessly beleaguered cheeks; as I frigidly slithered like colorlessly asphyxiated water; through the deserts of sweltering solitude,
Not a single jewel embellishing my capriciously dithering flesh; as I got inevitably spat upon; by even the most despicably nonchalant of pigs,
Not a single smile encapsulating my unfathomably cracked and sleazy lips; as I fulminated into an unending volley of remorseful tears; even in the most
vibrantly ecstatic moments of vivid life,
Not a single fantasy in my lecherously manipulative brain; as I parasitically sucked whatever I could lay my hands upon; to holistically survive,
Not a single line on my insidiously lackadaisical palms; as I maniacally groped without the slightest of direction; destiny and ambition; for centuries immemorial,
Not a single twinkle in my treacherously withering eyes; as I invidiously sighted nothing but hideously commercial corruption; even in the most majestic land
of the handsomely divine,
Not a single muscle in my abominably delirious arms; as I got wholesomely pulverized by even the most minuscule ants; the instants that they nimbly brushed by my disgustingly flailing side,
Not a single morsel of food in my tyrannically famished stomach; as I approached veritable extinction more vociferously by the unfurling minute; with a cloud of abhorrent darkness incorrigibly lingering around my bizarrely annihilated persona,
Not a single shadow emanating from my profusely penalized countenance; as I aimlessly wandered without an entity of my own; through the lanes of murderously crippling doom,
Not a single cheer in my severely deprived demeanor; as I embraced the walls of lugubrious nonchalance; to be worthlessly squelched to piles of inconspicuous
ash; on every path that I tread,
Not a single fortification in my savagely strangulated senses; as I disappeared into wisps of non-existent oblivion; at the tiniest puff of air that wafted; from the irascibly pertinent mosquitoes mouth,
Not a single enchantment in my devilishly maimed veins; as I blended with threadbare granules of insipid dust on the baseless streets; devouring
obdurately dreary stones hurled at me by the entire planet; and from every possible side,
Not a single breath in my sullenly constipated nostrils; as I relinquished even the most infinitesimal desire to survive; even as I was in the pristine prime of everlasting youth,
But still the most richest man on this Universe; as I had her pricelessly invincible heartbeats; the immortal river of her Godly love; perpetually imprisoned in the inner most arenas of my chest; fulminating like a princess unassailable; and forever mine .
Her unsurpassable voice; was as tangy as the melodiously swaying oranges; drifting every element of my devastatingly sagging countenance; towards a world of fantastically spell binding enchantment,
Her timeless shadow; was as ravishing as a voluptuously seductive cistern of mesmerizing fern; inundating each cranny of my slitheringly monotonous
soul; with unparalleled exuberance to gustily surge forward in vivacious life,
Her intricate eyelashes; were as silken as the enigmatically swirling clouds in resplendent cosmos; fanatically propelling me to chase the entrenchment of
beauty and inexorable charisma; for times immemorial,
Her fiery nostrils; were as piquant as boundless farms of ingratiatingly poignant chili; insatiably triggering me to intrepidly leap into the valley of ebullient adventure; be the untamed warrior of philanthropic patriotism; whenever the dungeon of diabolical lechery took its debilitating toll,
Her marvelous eyes; were as impeccable as waterfalls of innocuously cascading cotton from the heart of the fathomless skies; nostalgically instilling in me the unprecedented euphoria; to be that untainted infant once again,
Her incomprehensible odor; was as redolent as the tantalizingly crimson rose; profusely titillating me into a paradise of blissfully blossoming and perpetually gratifying prosperity,
Her nimble toes; were as vibrant as the astoundingly iridescent rainbows; filtering beams of optimistic hope; in my existence plagued with horrifically despairing and inexplicably hopeless gloom,
Her pristine lips; were as incredulously rubicund as the blooming apples; splashing every arena of my impoverished existence; with an unfathomable kaleidoscope of color and fabulously eternal charm,
Her magnificent fingers; were as scintillating as the flamboyantly ferocious fingers; incinerating fireballs of everlasting passion; even in the heart of my every insidiously deadened night,
Her golden perspiration; was as enchanting as gloriously celestial honey; enshrouding each pore of my overwhelmingly bedraggled demeanor; with the lantern of jubilantly melodious happiness,
Her bedazzling stride; was as heavenly as the boisterously rhyming sparrows; engendering me to forever march ahead in my times of immeasurable
ecstasy; and dolorous doom; alike,
Her intriguing memory; was as fantastically charming as the milky moon; inexorably transpiring me to irrefutably remember; the most benevolently divine contributions; of my revered ancestors,
Her delectable belly; was as mystically rejoicing as the poignantly undulating oceans; igniting thunderbolts of flirtatious lightening in every ingredient of my bones besieged with; morbidly despicable sadness,
Her magical hair; were as ravishingly delightful as satiny angels frolicking in walls of invincible heaven; perpetuating me to perennially philander in the most grandiloquent palaces; fortified with the religions of ubiquitous humanity and tenacious solidarity,
Her twinkling palms; were as magnanimous as the blessedly torrential showers of majestic rain; irrefutably teaching me the art of disseminating the art of ever-pervading mankind; to even the most infinitesimally remote parts of this astoundingly fragrant Universe,
Her wonderful cheeks; were as joyous as the virgin shores of shimmering righteousness; indefatigably telling me to solely follow; nothing else but only the
inner most fulminations of my passionate heart,
Her Godly neck; was as priceless as those droplets of water amidst the acerbically sweltering desert sands; unequivocally encouraging me to wholesomely become; the sounds of those tyrannically deprived,
Her tumultuous breath; was as compassionate as the royally roaring lions of steaming romance; embracing every iota of my disastrously trembling visage; with the tornados of an unassailably vivid existence,
And her passionate heart; was as immortal as the countless pathways of Omnisciently bequeathing heavens; not only reinvigorating every space of my persona with the unconquerable fortitude to lead life; but bonding me forever and ever and ever; in the flames of miraculous love .
There was a time when you welcomed me with untamed passion in your eyes into our redolent dwelling; magically applying the ointment of your stupendously ingratiating melody on my; disastrously frazzled forehead,
While today there was belligerent viciousness in your eyes as you sighted me; ominously kicking me like strands of orphaned broomstick; into the mountain of
baseless shit outside the kitchen window .
There was a time when you incessantly chanted my name; all brilliantly Sunlit day and even more euphorically in the heart of satanic midnight; ardently waiting for me to transit into a celestial reverie before you dared to shut your eyes the slightest,
While today you ruthlessly ripped apart every cherished possession of mine; left me to devastatingly wander on the uncouth streets; without even a single cloth on my impoverished body .
There was a time when you tirelessly fantasized about the contours of my fanatic persona in despicably solitary gloom; and even the center of the boisterously bustling and overwhelmingly rambunctious marketplace; alike,
While today you contemptuously spat on every trace of my fading reflection; compassionately philandering with another man; right in front of my poignantly
staring eyes .
There was a time when you intransigently embraced me with insatiable fire wafting from each of your voluptuous senses; following me like an incorrigible shadow; in my moments of jubilation and inexplicable distress; alike,
While today you brutally excoriated every cranny of my flesh with your swords of pugnacious malice; roasting them to wholehearted satisfaction; before you
sumptuously fed them to stray cats and dogs; alike .
There was a time when you immutably stared in the whites of my piquant eyes; mystically flirting and romancing with my drooping eyelashes; till times beyond eternity,
While today you vindictively hurled me like a speck of frigid thread from the unfathomably towering mountaintop; pursing your lips profusely in supreme
satisfaction; as my caricature disintegrated into a billion fragments; before eventually become an integral ingredient of the diabolical rocks .
There was a time when you unflinchingly supported me in the course of every acrimonious impediment that I bizarrely confronted; hugging invincibly to my nimble demeanor like a child entwined tightly; to its mother’s bosom,
While today I was the most debilitating parasite for you in your blessed life; as you hired dexterous gunmen from all over the planet; to lethally squelch me into my inconspicuous grave .
There was a time when you conceived me as the most beautiful organism on this entire Universe; profoundly enthused by even the most rustically bohemian gestures that were an intrinsic part of my every footstep,
While today you overwhelmingly admired even the most satanically lecherous man on the street; commanding me to scrupulously extricate every iota of abominable grime; from his devilish shoes .
There was a time when you fervently waited for countless hours on the trot; just to hear even an ephemeral trace of my wavering voice; bouncing in unprecedented ecstasy; as I staggeringly stepped back from yet another heinous day in the monotonous office,
While today you dictatorially used each part of my shivering flesh to scrub the floors of your ostentatious castle; savagely dumping me into the garbage bin; before you slapped the lid with chains of unsurpassable prejudice .
There was a time when your every expedition was incomplete without me; as you royally frolicked on my shoulders; as I weaved us gloriously through the
resplendently enamoring forests,
While today you maliciously left me unguarded amidst the battalion of bellicose sharks; almost chortledevery organ of your body out; as the monsters thanked
you for receiving the best prey of their insidious life .
And there was a time when you were just freshly MARRIED to me; bonding your heart; soul and body in flames of immortal love; pledging to take birth again
with my impoverished grace; everytime the planet salvaged a chance to be born; once again,
While today you snobbishly paraded through the grandiloquent palaces of the uxorious King; ordering his guards to bury even the last of my veins alive; as
you invidiously yelled the dreaded word DIVORCE .
Each part of my disastrously dithering fingers; lived solely for your magical palms; ardently anticipating those cherished moments; when you clasped me in your divinely warmth,
Each pore of my devastatingly impoverished skin; lived solely for your compassionately pristine sweat; relentlessly wanting to blend with your scent of
timeless perseverance; for centuries unfathomable,
Each follicle of my ludicrously sagging eyelashes; lived solely for your marvelously exhilarating flirtation; relishing fathomless moments of rhapsodic jubilation; profusely enthused by the majestic leap in your charismatic stride,
Each tinge on my pathetically imprisoned lips; lived solely for your bountifully celestial smiles; indefatigably floating in a magical entrenchment of your voluptuously eluding senses,
Each cranny of my bizarrely dwindling toes; lived solely for your gloriously heavenly footprints; ardently dreaming all day and sensuously starry night; of kissing the paths your most philanthropically tread,
Each tear of my gruesomely blinded eyes; lived solely for your blissfully poignant and benevolent soul; eternally wanting to sight your reflection in the tenure of my destined life; and even till countless births after my veritable death,
Each reverberation of my dolorously dangling ears; solely lived for your unsurpassable ocean of resplendently twinkling sounds; piquantly deluging
every aspect of my manipulatively tyrannical existence; with unprecedented vibrancy and emphatic cheer,
Each ingredient of my viciously asphyxiated blood; solely lived for your irrefutably triumphant tenacity to unflinchingly face even the most acrimonious of obstacle in life; your spell binding spirit to unitedly survive embracing the religion of priceless mankind,
Each shade of my despicably withering cheek; solely lived for your innocuously Godly kiss; which transited me into a paradise infinite kilometers higher than the
seductive clouds; triggering fireballs of untamed ebullience; all throughout my feeble persona,
Each chord of my ghastily cacophonic throat; solely lived for your immaculately gorgeous yawns; nostalgically catapulting me back into realms of impeccable childhood; when I bounced uninhibitedly and without the slightest of apprehension; in the sacrosanct lap of my mother,
Each element of my nervously fluttering shadow; solely lived for your marvelously imposing and tantalizing countenance; the irrevocably unending spell of ecstatic enchantment that you ravishingly diffused; every time you alighted your nimble foot,
Each curvature of my deplorably pulverized spine; solely lived for your irrefutably Omnipotent touch; wholesomely mitigating me of all my inexplicable sorrow; rendering me speechless in a world of everlasting newness and unbelievably swirling happiness,
Each wrinkle on my treacherously crinkled skin; solely lived for your stupendously blossoming and piquantly iridescent freshness; as you unfurled into an infinite colors of vivacious life; on every path that your enchantingly tread,
Each iota of my murderously depleted and dilapidated muscle; solely lived for your tireless tenacity to surge forward in titillating life; rhetorically maneuvering me from a dungeon of delinquently stagnant darkness into a civilization of eternally gratifying light,
Each bone of my lecherously extinguishing body; solely lived for your unbelievably humanitarian cadence; your undaunted struggle to alleviate crippling suffering; incessantly pioneer to uplift all those deprived; in the impregnable chapter of your life,
Each wave of my excruciatingly incarcerated soul; solely lived for your miraculously intrepid exultation to synergistically lead life; disseminate the essence of mankind to every dwelling besieged with agonizing pain; and gory darkness,
Each corridor of my manipulatively commercial conscience; solely lived for your irrevocably invincible ideals of truth and non-violence; the winds of ubiquitous solidarity on which you unassailably floated; every time the earth was born; once again,
Each puff of my staggeringly barbaric breath; solely lived for your melodiously tinkling vivacity; the fearless tranquility on your redolently untainted face; even when you were just about to relinquish your last bit of sagaciousness; and enter your horrific grave,
And each beat of my pathetically dying heart; solely lived for your immortally passionate love; the insatiable propensity in your unconquerable chest; that not only granted me a countless benign lives; but didn’t let me die even after my death .
Every kite; whether gigantic or diminutively short; incessantly dreamt of soaring through the blanket of mesmerizing clouds; melodiously embracing the
panoramic festoon of glorious paradise,
Every frog; whether monstrous or harmlessly tiny; irretrievably dreamt of swimming in the morbidly cloistered well; croaking to the fullest of its nimble heart’s content; as torrential tumblers of water descended from the sky,
Every grass blade; whether lanky or pathetically withering; dreamt of being compassionately kissed by a blanket of unfathomably glistening dewdrops;
voraciously tingling it till times beyond realms of marvelous eternity; every majestic dawn,
Every lion; whether gargantuan or minuscule cub; relentlessly dreamt of sucking satanic rivers ofcrimson blood; surreptitiously hoisting the impeccable infant; to profusely titillate its taste buds; at the crack of sinister midnight,
Every butterfly; whether huge or infinitesimally babyish; dreamt of mischievously flirting in magically Omnipotent beams of poignant sunshine; disseminating a wave of unparalleled jubilation in every puff of wind; that it exuberantly caressed,
Every wave; whether mammoth or ludicrously infantile; tirelessly dreamt of passionately smooching the silver streaked shores; culminating into rhapsodically froth; after handsomely blending with the vibrant sands,
Every mosquito; whether big or irascibly inconspicuous; indefatigably dreamt of hovering around the silken angel’s eardrum; ominously stabbing its pernicious hood in robust skin; salvaging even the tiniest of opportunity when the master fell transiently asleep,
Every leaf; whether colossal or miserably parsimonious; intransigently dreamt of swinging in ebullient draughts of vivacious breeze; royally experiencing the ravishing winds piquantly tickle its pristinely barren periphery,
Every army; whether Herculean or meagerly paltry; immutably dreamt of kicking the viciously diabolical traitors forever from its sacred motherland; patriotically sacrificing its life for its soil; to be immortally crowned as valiant martyrs,
Every magician; whether towering or frigidly gawky; inexorably dreamt of enthralling his audience with an endless flurry of spellbinding tricks; solely diffusing simply insatiably inimitable artistry from his dexterously gifted fingers,
Every egg; whether colossal or sullenly cramped; dreamt of beautifully evolving into a magnificently scintillating fledgling; being the darling of all race and tribes; with its innocuously blissful mannerisms,
Every snake; whether long or ludicrously tiny; dreamt of savagely slithering its way through the cradle of shimmering innocence; stealthily devouring new born
offsprings; lethally swishing its abominably poisonous hood,
Every writer; whether imposing or rustically bohemian; marvelously dreamt of diffusing the impregnable essence of his cherished words to the most fathomless
corner of this Universe; be recognized by every color; religion and age; alike,
Every eyeball; whether expanded or despicably half shut; unendingly dreamt of witnessing exotically resplendent beauty; assimilating the unsurpassable multitude of eclectic flavors; wandering celestially upon the trajectory of this boundless planet,
Every mountain; whether domineering or obsoletely extinct; continuously dreamt of basking in the full and profoundly untamed glory of the flamboyant Sun; enjoying the ferociously sizzling rays full throttle; before they eventually reached the lackluster earth,
Every cuckoo; whether towering or timidly petite; eternally dreamt of inundating every particle of the gloomily desolate atmosphere with its fragrantly blooming tunes; ecstatically enshroud the air with supreme enlightenment; as vespered beams of light crept from the east,
Every cloud; whether enormous or ridiculously insignificant; timelessly dreamt of fulminating into tumultuous blankets of golden rain; deluging every single cranny of dreadfully sweltering soil; with the unbelievably soothing magic of heavenly liquid,
Every demon; whether massive or incongruously muddled; insurmountably dreamt of parasitically annihilating holistically harmonious living race; placating his treacherous gluttony with honest fountains of; unerring blood,
Every soul; whether impregnable or lackadaisically wandering; irrefutably dreamt of tracing back its fascinating roots; having a blessed glimpse into the space; from where it mystically emanated,
And every heart; whether young or miserably old; invincibly dreamt of finding the most immortal love its life; engendering it to survive as the richest entity alive; triggering it to spawn a civilization of astoundingly optimistic light in the absolute center of death and malicious demise .
I wasn’t afraid of inexplicably gloomy darkness; as I unflinchingly embraced it with the profuse enlightenment to fanatically exist; lingering impregnably in my eyes,
I wasn’t afraid of diabolically satanic thorns; as I tread over them without batting a single eyelid; with an overwhelming yearning to survive exuberantly encapsulating each of impoverished senses,
I wasn’t afraid of morbidly remorseful solitude; as I blazingly confronted each acrimonious obstacle that dared trespass me in my way; with a wave of unrelenting optimism; encompassing me like an invincible fortress from all sides,
I wasn’t afraid of treacherously devastating destiny; as I wholeheartedly accepted the winds of tyrannical doom in my ebulliently gallant stride; kissed the heavens of robust life with an unsurpassable ardor to exist turbulently fulminating; in each iota of my blood,
I wasn’t afraid of treacherously blood soaked roads; as I coined a path of benign righteousness on every lane that I tread; with an ocean of unfathomable
majesty descending enthrallingly; over single of my enthusiastic bone,
I wasn’t afraid of morbidly forlorn boredom; as I enamoringly embraced the curtainspread of vivacious freedom even in my times of malicious prejudice; to
triumphantly pioneer a holistic new chapter of fulfilling life,
I wasn’t afraid of manipulatively distorted ugliness; as I sculptured immaculately benevolent townships with the blessings of the grandiloquently Omnipotent Lord; astoundingly unfurling into a fascinating kaleidoscope of heavenly color; in timeless life,
I wasn’t afraid of horrendously despicable crippling; as I formidably stored a platform of irrefutable truth for centuries immemorial; ecstatically rejoicing and
replenishing in the full spirit of; graciously bequeathing life,
I wasn’t afraid of parasitically satanic demons sucking blood; as I dexterously dispersed them singlehandedly from mammoth crowds of innocuous peace;
flamboyantly marching ahead; with the incomprehensible ardor of existence,
I wasn’t afraid of disastrously freezing and cold blooded avalanches; as I profoundly engrossed my mind; body and spirit in unprecedented clouds of meditation; enveloping each ingredient of my crimson blood with untamed glory; and spell binding fascination,
I wasn’t afraid of devastatingly scorching heat; as I magnificently pacified each of my tumultuously withering nerves; with the blissful melody of gorgeously captivating existence,
I wasn’t afraid of hideously snobbish and ulterior malice; as I celestially blossomed into unfathomable newness on every rhapsodic hill that I trespassed through; voluptuously caressing every mesmerizing ingredient of fathomless beauty; philandering on this gregarious planet,
I wasn’t afraid lecherously savage corruption; as I incorrigibly traversed on the path of harmonious solidarity; existing in divine synergy with the waterfall of euphoric love,
I wasn’t afraid of heinously penalizing beasts; as I endeavored my best to maneuver them back on the road to symbiotic intermingling; with an unsurpassable fervor to clamber to the epitome of philanthropically scintillating success; transpiring me ahead; in charismatic life,
I wasn’t afraid of gloomily wavering undulations; as I intransigently adhered to all the simplistically redolent philosophies of godly existence; solely and profoundly listening to the inner most voices of my heart,
I wasn’t afraid of brutally despairing blindness; as I brilliantly culminated into a tornado of stupendous energy and royalty; wholesomely clinging to the invincible tree; of piquantly vibrant life,
I wasn’t afraid of deplorably horrific poverty; as I supremely placated each vein and reflection of mine with the perennially everlasting fruits of magical nature; sleeping under the blanket of bountifully bestowing life,
I wasn’t even afraid of rampantly slipping and gruesomely massacring breath; as I was inevitably prepared to face even the most lecherous tryst with gory death; only to perpetually rest in wonderfully Omniscient entrenchment of Almighty God; for times immemorial,
But I was immortally afraid of losing her majestically silken grace; of losing her impeccably timeless voice; as I would incessantly chant; experience; explore and blend with bloody death every unveiling minute without her; although I was in the prime of pristine youth; and had countless more years of sparkling life .
I might have miserably floundered to metamorphose wild roots of bohemian tree; into the astronomical summits of the flamboyantly scintillating mountain,
I might have ludicrously stumbled in my attempts to; scrupulously blend every iota of fathomless sky; with inevitably priceless granules of patriotic soil,
I might have made a pathetic mockery of myself; while incessantly endeavoring to convert the heinously treacherous crocodile; into a celestially fragrant saint,
I might have insanely dithered to illuminate the devastatingly ulterior interiors of the gutter; into a garden of bountifully fragrant and voluptuously everlasting rose,
But I still felt like the most blessed organism on this boundlessly gregarious Universe; as I had triggered the fire of my unassailable love in her impeccable eyes; perpetually bonding with her mind; body and philanthropic spirit; for fathomless more births yet to unveil .
I might have staggered like a grotesquely cacophonic clown; while inundating every granule of swelteringly acrimonious desert soil; with fountains of resplendent water,
I might have crumbled more ludicrously than a pack of insipid cards; as I indefatigably endeavored to quell the most diabolically perilous of hurricane; with the wavering harmony in my impoverished voice,
I might have relentlessly hung on the branches of sinister desolation; as I unflinchingly attempted to profoundly rejuvenate; graveyards deluged with a countless corpse,
I might have despicably sung the tunes of worthless nothingness; while irrevocably trying to mélange all religions across the mesmerizing Universe; into the unequivocal religion of humanity,
But I still felt like the most blessed organism on this endlessly ebullient Universe; as I had impregnably become every element of her marvelously enigmatic destiny; perpetually bonding with her mind; body and philanthropic spirit; for fathomless more births yet to unveil .
I might have tasted venomously inconspicuous dust; while leaping from the spacecraft bare chested; to frolic like an angel in the realms of unprecedented desire; after hitting the uncouthly obdurate ground,
I might have been pulverized into indolent bits of infinitesimal tomato curry; while brazenly attempting to stop the satanic tornado of lechery; with the unsurpassable resilience lingering in my patriotic stride,
I might have horrendously torched all my fingers into savagely lambasted ash; as I tried to enamoringly sketch the most gorgeously charismatic forms on this planet; on barren landscapes of crinkled paper,
I might have withered into a pool of invidiously ghastly blood; while benevolently trying my best; to revive profusely debilitated orphans; from their graves of bizarrely inexplicable prejudice,
But I still felt like the most blessed organism on this euphorically timeless Universe; as I could miraculously sight her Omnipotent countenance each time I opened my eyes and in deep sleep; alike; perpetually bonding with her mind; body and philanthropic spirit; for fathomless more births yet to unveil .
I might have intransigently failed in every examination of mine; being ruthlessly kicked like a frigidly disgruntled matchstick; on the lanes of remorsefully abhorrent malice,
I might have reduced to a droplet of diminutively indecipherable ice; as I explicitly tried to envisage the contours of magnanimously astounding beauty; in the entrenchment of glimmering mirrors; leaning by the ferocious fireside,
I might have obsoletely reconciled to live with the pertinently slithering worms; after being deplorably ostracized by all conventional norms and philosophies; of the murderously morbid society,
I might have crucified myself on nails of despondently rotting depression; ignominiously castigated and insidiously rebuked by all fraternities of mankind; as I tried to diffuse the waves of uninhibitedly synergistic freedom; in monotonously slaving tribes,
But I still felt like the most blessed organism on this Omnisciently exotic Universe; as I had eternally succeeded in lighting the lantern of my perennial love in the corridors of her immortal heart; perpetually bonding with her mind; body and philanthropic spirit; for fathomless more births yet to unveil .
There was something in those insatiably poignant eyes of hers; which said that she tumultuously craved for my unrelenting stares,
There was something in those ardently passionate lips of hers; which said that she indefatigably longed for me to kiss her; till times beyond infinite infinity,
There was something in those ravishingly tantalizing hair of hers; which said that she fervently yearned for my everlasting caress; descending like a timeless angel in each of my wandering senses,
There was something in those seductively charismatic eyelashes of hers; which said that she unfathomably desired to be tickled by my groping fingers; triggering her entire countenance into fireballs of unrelenting delight,
There was something in those titillating shadows of hers; which said that she relentlessly desired to perennially coalesce with my romantic spirit; compassionately explore every cranny of my flesh; with the untamed tenacity of a freshly born child,
There was something in those marvelously piquant feet of hers; which said that she intransigently wanted me to indefatigably chase her till beyond the summits of eternal eternity; irrefutably conquering every iota of her majestically magical aura,
There was something in those royal expressions of hers; which said that she incorrigibly aspired to unceasingly gyrate with me under resplendent rivers of
milky moonlight; sleep like an innocuously divine angel impregnably snuggling close to my chest; for centuries unprecedented,
There was something in those rhapsodic sounds of hers; which said that she unassailably longed for me to frenziedly feel each element of her jubilantly
ecstatic happiness; profoundly inviting me to bond with her; fathomlessly enamoring beauty,
There was something in those ingratiatingly titillating smiles of hers; which said that she invincibly wished for me to compassionately trace the outlines of her rosy lips; forever exist with her majestically Omnipotent aura; for countless more births yet to unfurl,
There was something in those princely cheeks of hers; which immutably cried for me to mischievously pinch them; nostalgically philander with her in meadows of innocent childhood; for countless brilliant days and vibrantly ebullient nights,
There was something in those divinely ears of hers; which irrefutably sizzled for me to drift my melodiously captivating enigma into her heavenly nape; tingle even the most inconspicuous trace of her imagery; with the masculinity in my stride,
There was something in those exuberantly radiant teeth of hers; which incessantly burnt for me to profusely intertwine all my exhilaration and gloom with her fulminating soul; handsomely alike,
There was something in those enchantingly fabulous footsteps of hers; which said that she tirelessly waited for me to enter the door of her fervently trembling conscience; take complete and overwhelming control over each of her galloping thoughts,
There was something in those honeysuckle fingers of hers; which said that she insurmountably fantasized about interlocking her vivaciously intriguing destiny
with mine; perpetually transposing each rivulet of my crimson blood; with her ,marvelously scented veins,
There was something in those magnificently tangy birthmarks of hers; which said that she thunderously perceived me in an astounding kaleidoscope of fascinating forms; ardently stared ghastly death in its deplorable face; to savor just a single delicious whisper from my throat,
There was something in those fulminating goose-bumps of hers; which said that she uncontrollably wanted me to celestially hug her for all sides; make her the
unequivocal queen of my brain and body; alike,
There was something in those glorious paintings of hers; which said that she impregnably conceived me as the only messiah of her priceless life; intrepidly
surging ahead with me; to unitedly exist for a countless more lifetimes,
There was something in those Godly breaths of hers; which said that she perennially wanted me to feel the wafts of Omnipotent air diffusing from her nostrils; timelessly survive nestling against the congenially joyous warmth of her pristine chest,
And there was something in those passionate heartbeats of hers; which said that she wanted me to immortally love her; forever listen to the innocuous cadence of her countenance; forever follow her and make her solely mine .
Bond your divinely hands so immortally with my disastrously impoverished fingers; that it wasincorrigibly impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other hands on this boundless Universe; for centuries immemorial,
Bond your magical feet so immortally with my rustically bohemian toes; that it was irrevocably impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other feet on this fathomless Universe; for decades unfathomable,
Bond your heavenly eyes so immortally with my pathetically devastated lids; that it was intransigently impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other eyes on this tantalizing Universe; for times unsurpassable,
Bond your philanthropic smiles so immortally with my ludicrously morbid lips; that it was unbelievably impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other smiles on this endless Universe; for limitless fortnights,
Bond your ingratiating melody so immortally with my devastatingly dithering throat; that it was immutably impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other melody on this fascinating Universe; for countless more years to unveil,
Bond your tantalizing fantasies so immortally with my treacherously monotonous mind; that it was irrefutably impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other fantasy on this everlasting Universe; for relentless days and nights unprecedented,
Bond your ravishing tongue so immortally with my ridiculously cacophonic throat; that it was impregnably impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other tongue on this timeless Universe; for infinite more births of mine,
Bond your rhapsodic hair so immortally with penuriously entangled scalp; that it was unconquerably impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other hair on this majestic Universe; for incomprehensible more moments to tranquilly descend,
Bond your twinkling ears so immortally with my brutally punctured lobes; that it was intractably impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other ear’s on this flamboyant Universe; for as long as the earth existed,
Bond your uninhibited philanthropism so immortally with lecherously manipulative demeanor; that it was unassailably impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other philanthropism on this mesmerizing Universe;for endless more moments to unfurl,
Bond your titillating shadow so immortally with my horrifically remorseful reflection; that it was unequivocally impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other shadow on this glorious Universe; for indefatigable more instants yet to be born,
Bond your seducing enigma so immortally with my indigently commercial countenance; that it was perennially impossible for me to be ever possessed by
any other enigma on this compassionate Universe; for unending more civilizations; yet to evolve,
Bond your voluptuous charisma so immortally with my miserably shivering and orphaned senses; that it was perpetually impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other charisma on this panoramic Universe; for countless kilometers; even beyond my veritable grave,
Bond your benevolent philosophy so immortally with my despondently greedy visage; that it was eternally impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other
philosophy on this mystical Universe; for immeasurable days; even after I was blended with specks of dust,
Bond your unflinching strength so immortally with my insipidly sagging and languid bones; that it was doggedly impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other strength on this euphoric Universe; for even after; the sky had wholesomely blended with threadbare mud,
Bond your poignant blood so immortally with my heinously adulterated and decaying veins; that it was irreversibly impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other blood on this ecstatic Universe; for billions of kilometers; even after the Sun had set,
Bond your Omnipotent aura so immortally with my nonchalantly lackadaisical persona; that it was unimaginably impossible for me to be ever possessed by
any other aura on this spell binding Universe; for unthinkable more spaces; even beyond the land of infinite infinity,
Bond your Omnipresent breath so immortally with my morosely extinguishing existence; that it was inexorably impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other breath on this blissful Universe; for unending more seconds; even after the clock had completely ceased to tick,
And bond your passionate heart so immortally with my capriciously betraying beats; that it was indomitably impossible for me to be ever possessed by any other heart on this marvelous Universe; for countless more heavens; even after I reached the island of hell .
The roof of celestially divine peace; irrefutably rested on the miraculous foundations of; bountifully symbiotic and coalesced harmony,
The roof of vivacious resplendence; irrefutably rested on the ebullient foundations of; an exuberantly intrepid and exploring survival,
The roof of perennially bestowing happiness; irrefutably rested on the charismatic foundations of; tranquilly blissful and serene contentment,
The roof of gloriously invincible triumph; irrefutably rested on the patriotic foundations of; unflinchingly unconquerable and perennial solidarity,
The roof of insatiably unprecedented thrill; irrefutably rested on the intriguing foundations of; magically tantalizing and voluptuous fantasy,
The roof of flamboyantly unstoppable glory; irrefutably rested on the benign foundations of; an unfathomably philanthropic and majestic soul,
The roof of mischievously blossoming youth; irrefutably rested on the winking foundations of; timelessly impeccable and ingratiating flirtation,
The roof of rhapsodically everlasting prosperity; irrefutably rested on the Omnipotent foundations of; impregnably handsome and unequivocal truth,
The roof of enchantingly silken beauty; irrefutably rested on pristine foundations of; a benevolently imparting and uninhibited countenance,
The roof of marvelously scintillating healing; irrefutably rested on the Omnipresent foundations of; stupendously fabulous and perpetual faith,
The roof of gorgeously dazzling success; irrefutably rested on the godly foundations of; the immaculately divine and sacrosanct mother,
The roof of astoundingly baffling enigma; irrefutably rested on the mystical foundations of; inscrutably titillating and seductive whispers,
The roof of insurmountably celestial captivation; irrefutably rested on the enamoring foundations of; unfathomably enthralling and fascinating melody,
The roof of royally undefeatable honest; irrefutably rested on the candid foundations of; the impeccably taintless and Omniscient conscience,
The roof of tantalizingly inevitable attraction; irrefutably rested on the ravishing foundations of; unsurpassably poignant and alluring seduction,
The roof of sagaciously prudent learning; irrefutably rested on the holistically pious foundations of; relentlessly dedicated and self purifying meditation,
The roof of incomprehensibly unending wealth; irrefutably rested on the Oligarchic foundations of; eternally infinite and resplendent romance,
The roof of inevitably euphoric survival; irrefutably rested on the fathomless foundations of; ecstatically cascading and compassionate breath,
And the roof of immortally spell binding love; irrefutably rested on the ubiquitous foundations of; passionately throbbing and priceless heart .
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest even if the entire planet fathomless and unfathomably majestic; uncouthly scowled at me; disparagingly disapproving
the most celestial of my impeccable gestures,
If you smiled at me just an infinitesimal trifle; triggering untamed fireballs of optimistic desire; in my mind; body and devastatingly dithering spirit .
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest even if the entire planet gregarious and resplendently bountiful; treacherously plotted against me; to vindictively
incarcerate me in; webs of diabolical depravation and manipulative malice,
If you just stood unflinchingly for a minute by my side in brilliantly flamboyant light as well as remorsefully ghastly darkness; transpiring me to metamorphose every wish of my impoverished heart; into an impregnably eternal reality .
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest even if the entire planet boundless and stupendously magical; barbarically nailed me to my morbidly morose grave;
although I rhapsodically galloped forward; in the vibrantly pristine prime of life,
If you just caressed me tenderly on my forehead with your miraculously fragrant palms; propelling me to soar above the clouds of philanthropic fantasy for times immemorial; take a countless more births amidst benign mankind; in this single lifetime of mine .
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest even if the entire planet ravishing and intriguingly fathomless; didn’t crown me with a single accolade; brutally
condemning and castigating me; for the most priceless piece of art that diffused from my poignant veins,
If you just said “Well Done” from your invincibly Omnipotent mouth; making me feel the most irrefutably opulent man alive; with all assimilated richness
lingering on this planet; blissfully descending over each of my disastrously despicable senses .
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest even if the entire planet timeless and marvelously fabulous; ruthlessly kicked me to realms of deplorably nonchalant submission; relentlessly making me lick nothing but threadbare mountains of dirt; from rotting soil,
If you just gave me an inconspicuous iota of space in your divine lap; not only pacifying my tyrannized agony of a countless years; but perpetually ensuring
that I unequivocally mitigated the suffering; of all inexplicably shivering mankind .
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest even if the entire planet boundless and ingratiatingly glorious; satanically spat on my debilitated countenance; worse
than a vulture excoriating apart its gruesomely stinking carrion,
If you bequeathed upon me the honor; of feeling just your single breath; which instantaneously transited me into an unconquerably euphoric slumber; making me wholesomely oblivious to the unsurpassably sinister vagaries; of the commercial world outside .
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest even if the entire planet infinite and voluptuously majestic; mercilessly stole all my incomprehensible ocean of
fantastic dreams; drowning me insidiously into a hurricane of despondently conventional rules and regulations,
If you just winked for an instant with your Omnisciently beautiful eyelids; ebulliently transiting me back into realms of impeccable childhood; when uninhibitedly philandered and frolicked; in the divinely warmth of my only goddess; who was my royal mother .
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest even if the entire planet perpetual and grandiloquently everlasting; parasitically sucked the last iota of blood from my body; and then left me to die in a dungeon of menacing scorpions; while they rejoiced in crimson wine and vixen; merrily outside,
If you kissed me just once with your Omnipresently sacred lips; which annihilated the very essence of obsolete sorrow and crippling misery; forever from the chapter of my painstakingly staggering life .
And I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest even if the entire planet twinkling and ecstatically gigantic; hated and treated me worse than they could treat their
own shit; ominously pulverizing every innocuously benign deed of mine; with bizarre swords of heinous prejudice,
If you just gave me a single heartbeat of your immortally palpitating and enchantingly sacrosanct heart; blessing me with unassailable virtue of shedding my life tirelessly for my immaculately afflicted comrades; and yet towering tall from the ashes; as exuberantly bouncing; and BLESSEDLY ALIVE .
Tantalizing my impoverished eyes; was her ingratiatingly ravishing belly; as she swished like the ultimate seductress of ecstatic fantasy; through the glorious curtainspread of the pristine forests,
Tantalizing my diminutive lips; was her fabulously enamoring smile; as she majestically bequeathed upon her magical grace; upon every step that she royally trespassed through,
Tantalizing my indigently bedraggled palms; was her sensuously titillating flesh; as she blossomed like an impeccable fairy; disseminating the essence of humanity on every particle of the rhapsodic atmosphere; that she tenderly caressed,
Tantalizing my rustically bohemian feet; were her unsurpassably delectable fingertips; as she weaved a trail of poignantly euphoric compassion; to magnificently metamorphose my treacherously beleaguered life,
Tantalizing my blearily exhausted eardrum; was her exotically spell binding voice; as she marvelously whispered the secrets of a charismatically enigmatic existence; at the crack of every seductively ethereal dawn,
Tantalizing my devastatingly dithering teeth; was her immaculately shimmering nape; as she swirled piquantly in a garden of unfathomably gregarious rose; surrendering herself in wholesome totatlity to the mists of unprecedented desire,
Tantalizing my uncouthly estranged tastebuds; was the captivating softness in her melodious touch; as she bounced exhilaratingly on the carpet of untamed yearning; for centuries incomprehensible,
Tantalizing my staggeringly famished veins; was her unassailable ardor to propel forward in life; patriotically march towards the corridors of irrefutable triumph; to spawn and sparkle a holistically vibrant tomorrow,
Tantalizing my painstakingly withering tongue; was her candidly explicit speech; as she divulged the innermost recesses of her heart; to bloom into a fountain of ubiquitous honesty and unequivocal humanity,
Tantalizing my pathetically shriveled spine; was her voluptuously sizzling reflection; as she spun the tale of our everlastingly mesmerizing romance; to blend with the paradise of bountiful glory in blue sky,
Tantalizing my ludicrously barren scalp; was the rhythmic cadence of her daintily plodding footsteps; as she frolicked like an impeccable angel behind the
inscrutably starlit gorges; with each of her flaming senses; profusely intertwined with mine,
Tantalizing my lecherously exhausted brain; was her relentless repertoire of tingling fantasies; as she vivaciously danced in a fathomless myriad of blissful forms; in every divinely dream of mine,
Tantalizing my ridiculously sagging shoulders; was her insatiable fervor to unflinchingly confront the most acrimonious of obstacles; tower tall as the fortress of philanthropism for countless more births to fantastically unveil,
Tantalizing my worthlessly sinking destiny; was her benign disposition to embrace one and all alike in inexplicable misery; as she dedicated each instant of her immaculately heavenly life; to the service of dwindling mankind,
Tantalizing my cacophonically rickety legs; was her profound vigor to stand by the path of impregnable righteousness; as she chanted the miraculous mantras of a united existence; till the time she abnegated her last breath,
Tantalizing my despondently dejected conscience; was the invincibly truthful glow in the whites of her Omnipotent eyes; as she sacrificed herself to a billion bizarre deaths; just to wonderfully diffuse the priceless scent of goodness,
Tantalizing my worthlessly wandering soul; was her unconquerable imagery of timelessly coalesced brotherhood; as she harmoniously galloped forward with
her comrades in distress; bonded in threads of perennial solidarity,
Tantalizing my gloomily disappearing breath; was her unbelievable fortitude to excel in every benevolent sphere of life; as she blazed like an ebullient inferno of unstoppable newness; defying the baseless norms of the murderously conventional society,
And tantalizing my nonchalantly disgruntled heart; was her ocean of immortally celestial love; as she incarcerated me forever in the realms of her resplendent chest; taught me forever to love; love and boundlessly exist; only for the sacrosanct spirit of holy love .
True silence is when you; profusely concentrated for hours immemorial on the mystically lingering voice of your righteous conscience,
True adolescence is when you; start feeling that you were no longer that immaculate child frolicking once upon a time; in the sacrosanct lap of your mother,
True perseverance is when you; work unflinchingly under sweltering rays of the Sun; earn your bread at the cost of your blood; amidst a pack of hostile wolves,
True effervescence is when you; voraciously splash both your hands and feet in euphorically swirling and tangy ocean water,
True diligence is when you; remain committed to your mission; even after it was successfully completed,
True obeisance is when you; humbly bow down before the people you revere; wholesomely shrugging all your pompously inflated mountain of pretentions,
True penance is when you; feel really sorry from the inner most realms of the soul; are ready to do anything to rectify your horrifically treacherous sins,
True benevolence is when you; philanthropically donate to your fellow compatriots in inexplicable pain; even you are shivering on the tenterhooks of abrupt extinction,
True disturbance is when you; keep murmuring something irascibly pertinent under your breath; while the other person is trying to profoundly emphasize upon his point of view,
True pretence is when you; act like an irrefutably unconquerable king; even when you didn’t posses the capacity to hear your own voice,
True reverence is when you; insurmountably cherish the memories of your beloved; even countless centuries after their death,
True cadence is when you; rhythmically measure every beat you sing; to the most astronomical degree of perfection with the melodious wind,
True malevolence is when you; hate a person to the most unprecedented limits; even in your ethereally fading nocturnal dreams,
True vengeance is when you; take infinite births to take revenge from the person who traumatized you; if at all this birth proved futile,
True fragrance is when you; profusely smelt the exotically blossoming lotus; let its redolence altruistically diffuse in every corner of this Universe,
True prudence is when you; contemplated to the fullest capacity of your ingeniously god gifted mind; were able to perceive beyond the most fathomless of times,
True renaissance is when you; intrepidly motivated your entire country to rise against the lecherously evil; annihilate even the most tiniest trace of heinous evil from the belly of mother earth,
True distance is when you; inevitably cant bond with the love of your life; even when you lived just whisker lengths of breath away,
True existence is when you; lead each day of unveiling life to its absolute fullest; instilled the same wave of palpably exuberant life in each of your fellow human beings,
And true romance is when you; could do anything for the person whom you loved on this planet; stand beside her even when she was about to enter her grace and you still had countless more births destined of precious life .
I preferred to call smoke; ONLY SMOKE; as it was disdainfully dirty and horrendously polluted the serene carpets of atmosphere,
I preferred to call the stone ONLY STONE; as it was bereft of the slightest of empathy; stared in morbid silence for hours immemorial towards the blanket of
I preferred to call the pig ONLY PIG; as it prolifically disseminated and perpetuated filth in every mesmerizing path it transgressed,
I preferred to call the knife ONLY KNIFE; as it harbored the virtue of indiscriminate blood; ghastily ripped through innocent flesh at diabolical will,
I preferred to call a chunk of obnoxious sewage ONLY SEWAGE; as it punctuated the rhapsodic air with an unfathomably repulsive perfume,
I preferred to call a tornado ONLY TORNADO; as it mercilessly annihilated the most minuscule trace of life existing on this planet,
I preferred to call an earthquake ONLY EARTHQUAKE; as it gobbled up immaculate entities in the swirl of its viciously reverberating tremors,
I preferred to call an avalanche ONLY AVALANCHE; as it impregnated an inexplicable wave of deathly chill in all those tangible scattered around; treacherously
engulfed heavenly children in cloudbursts of satanic snow,
I preferred to call the thorn ONLY THORN; as it invidiously pierced unsuspecting skin; propelled a flurry of hysterical tears to dribble down the cheeks,
I preferred to call the footprint ONLY FOOTPRINT; as it triggered in me an inexorable nostalgia for the past; faded into obsolete wisps of nothingness with
the tiniest draught of wind,
I preferred to call the frown ONLY FROWN; as it embodied a cloud of pathetic gloom in blissful entities seated around; dreadfully disrupted the harmony of God's divinely creation,
I preferred to call vulture ONLY VULTURE; as it insidiously plucked the flesh of my revered compatriots who had celestially relinquished breath to depart for their heavenly abode,
I preferred to call the dustbin ONLY DUSTBIN; as it profusely fostered overwhelmingly crumpled fragments; which decimated traces of exuberant energy,
I preferred to call the dungeon ONLY DUNGEON; as it ruthlessly abdicated all forms of vivaciously blistering sunlight; rotting in perennial darkness; bringing euphoric man closer to his grave,
I preferred to call bombastic slang ONLY SLANG; as it hideously overpowered the rustically holistic rudiments of an individual; made him wholesomely oblivious to even the place where he was born,
I preferred to call poison ONLY POISON; as it snapped the fangs of precious existence; with its lethally abominable venom,
I preferred to call the devil ONLY DEVIL; as he dared the audacity to raise his savagely senseless head in front of my Omnipresent Creator,
But I preferred to call my Mother; as Mom; Mamma; Mummy; Mommy; Ma and an infinite other names from the repertoire of God; as she was the entity who had given me birth to witness and relish this fabulous world,
And I preferred to call my Beloved; as sweetheart; darling; revered wife; dreamgirl; poetry; and an infinite other names in the treasury of Almighty Lord; as she was the very reason that I was breathing life this very moment; infact would continue to live even if the planet failed to be born again.
The doctor brought a smile on your face; by his flurry of boisterously potent medicines,
The magician brought a smile on your face; by his fathomless myriad of stupendously enchanting tricks,
The clouds brought a smile on your face; by showering upon your impeccable persona; with glistening globules of euphoric rain,
The farmer brought a smile on your face; by sharing with you a festoon of majestically sparkling rubicund fruit,
The grandiloquent pen brought a smile on your face; by embossing boundless lines of exquisite calligraphy on sheets of your treacherously barren exam paper,
The birds brought a smile on your face; by soaring vivaciously amidst exuberantly blue bits of silver sky,
The waves brought a smile on your face; by dissipating into a cloudburst of poignantly tangy forth; clashing against the chain of cold blooded rocks in
overwhelmingly rhapsodic frenzy,
The Sun brought a smile on your face; by playing hide and seek with your immaculately fluttering eyelashes; striking your innocuous eyeballs with its marvelously dazzling light,
The nightingale brought a smile on your face; by its ingratiatingly captivating voice; filtering a path of irrefutable melody in the vicinity of your intricate ears,
The pilot brought a smile on your face; by transporting you through the blissfully ecstatic clouds; with profusely pearly rays of the moon now at whisker lengths from your countenance,
The cow brought a smile on your face; by impregnating your demeanor with astronomical spurts of invincible fortification,
The lotus brought a smile on your face; by dissipating its incredulously rejuvenating fragrance to every corner of your thoroughly flabbergasted bones,
The watchman brought a smile to your face; by guarding you like an unconquerable fortress; while you snored in the realms of mesmerizing fantasy all night,
The bee brought a smile to your face; by inundating your palms with unfathomably gorgeous streams of ebullient honey,
The horse brought a smile to your face; by embarking you upon your exhilarating expedition; of the supremely verdant and enigmatic countryside,
The appetizing morsels of steaming broth brought a smile on your face; by wholesomely placating pangs of hunger fulminating more abnormally than the volcano; every second in your stomach,
The pair of voluptuously seductive lips brought a smile on your face; by igniting infernos of insatiable desire in your body; as they brushed across your chest,
The mother brought a smile on your face; by giving you birth and the tenacity to unflinchingly confront the most diabolical aspect of tyrannical existence,
The Almighty Lord brought a smile on your face; by granting you a right to celestially survive as one of his infinite molecules,
And the Beloved brought a smile on your face; by her irrefutably sacred virtue of immortal love; that kept you always smiling for countless more births even after your death .
Don’t talk to the boundlessly barren bits of sky; talk to its garlands of vivaciously mystical clouds; instead,
Don’t talk to the fathomlessly deep ocean; talk to its majestically swirling waves; instead,
Don’t talk to the lackadaisically stretched desert; talk to its royally blossoming festoon of cactus; instead,
Don’t talk to the monotonously sprawled blankets of mirror; talk to its enigmatically alluring reflection; instead,
Don’t talk to the gigantically curved stoical tree; talk to its conglomerate of stupendously enchanting leaves; instead,
Don’t talk to the sonorously snobbish artist; talk to his myriad of incredulously absorbing paintings; instead,
Don’t talk to the insurmountably timid twin horned cow; talk to its pail of impeccably shimmering milk; instead,
Don’t talk to the unfathomably tired and grizzly haired old man; talk to his insatiable nostalgia and overwhelming yearning for the past; instead,
Don’t talk to the hideously sinister spider; talk to its mesmerizing strands of silken web which swayed exuberantly with the breeze; instead,
Don’t talk to the stringently suspended coat of thick skin; talk to its relentless infernos of unsurpassable desire; instead,
Don’t talk to the shriveled petals of the indiscriminately trampled lotus; talk to their
irrefutably exotic scent that still drifted for times immemorial in the atmosphere; instead,
Don’t talk to the country sandwiched as a rigidly aligned dot on the map; talk to its people who transpired its freedom; instead,
Don’t talk to the gruesomely morbid and perilous night; talk to its resplendent coat of seductively tantalizing stars; instead,
Don’t talk to the rustically indigenous and shaggily attired soldier; talk to his tales of immortal triumph; instead,
Don’t talk to the indefatigably treacherous mountain slopes; talk to its grandiloquently sculptured summit; glistening under the golden Sun; instead,
Don’t talk to the battalion of inexorably bored and lackluster twigs, talk to their flamboyantly crackling flames of rhapsodic fire; instead,
Don’t talk to the monstrously diabolical chameleon; talk to its unbelievable barrage of vividly changing colors instead,
Don’t talk to the dictatorial definitions of pragmatic life; talk to its labyrinth of exhilarating anecdotes; instead,
And don’t talk to two lovers absconding unrelentingly from the barricades of this miserably conventional society; talk to their poignantly staring eyes; talk to their ardently sensuous breath; talk to their passionately throbbing hearts; which had all bonded for infinite births as one; instead .
The End .