Just Because

Thu, 11/01/2012 - 01:04 -- AScott1


United States
29° 52' 9.6132" N, 90° 24' 11.1384" W

Just because I am black does not give you any reason to call me a nigger
Just because I live in the south doesn't mean I am a nigger
Just because my house is not a mansion and I don't drive a fancy car does not make me any less of you
Just because I have a little meat on my bones does not make me FAT
Just because you are insecure about yourself and you have to talk about others to make yourself feel better DOES NOT mean I have to do the same
Just because you may be mean to me does not mean I have to do the same in return

I am Arianna. I love Arianna. I have grown to not ONLY love myself but to love the skin that I am in. I love all of my surroundings and I value everything that comes my way. Be yourself and love yourself. NO ONE ELSE'S APPROVAL MATTERS BUT YOURSELF.


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