Crazy in Love and Lust
A wise woman said said good boys aint no fun
Sometimes I wonder why I fell in love
You make me mad it doesn't last
I Look at you and just melt
We laugh we joke but none can come close
When you come close my heart skips a beat
I don't think my feelings for you will ever change
I had a dream we had kids and I had your last name
I'm scared to even express my love
All I do is think about us
Like Beyonce said I'm crazy in love but lust to
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It's strange how you can love a person that much but they can do you so wrong. That's when it hurts the most, when you where there for them a 100% and they can hurt you just like that. I know how that feels. I did a poem like this, similiar you can say; check it out and tell me what you think.
and check this one too.