To Live Without Feeling, Is Something I Simply Cannot Do
To Live Without Feeling, Is Something I Simply Cannot Do
Tingles discovered by a brush of the hand
Softness felt, that of which comfort held
That tough love of which they speak, could never be for those who do not understand
If only kindness and security could truly meld
If thou were a beggar, and if beggars would be choosers
Would thou rather choose to feel, or to mask your emotions with a carefully woven façade?
The masks are better suited for other takers
When both dainty hands are grasped firmly, there is no longer a need to keep up the charade
If emotions caught flame, passion would be the outcome
Tears cascade down rosy cheeks, unseeing eyes gleam with promises of more
Lanky arms engulf the trembling frame with a comforting hum
The spreading warmth of love is something that you have come to adore
If thou were not to feel, then one’s heart would be left rotten
Never let it be said that what is felt, is better left forgotten