The child with a voice

Mom, STOP, please why cant you see
All the bruises and cuts you give to me
All I did was love and did what you would say
All the other kids moms dont treat them that way
Go away child you ruined my life
But mommy how could you hate someone you saved your life
To love and be cherished is all I ever asked for
Now Im taking a stand and leaving out that door
Forever more all be gone with all that's left is a simple song
A song of hope that was sung in my head
But sadly the next day you found me dead
Your cried and cried and felt so bad
I left a note saying Im sorry I made you sad
No pain, No more tears
All but a mom who realized her fears
Having a problem but couldnt stop
The song of the angels she sang on last time
To hurt her own child was her biggest crime.


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