Mirroring Reality
Looking through glass
I see me looking back at me
Both seem so real
With everything that I see
Reality is only challenged
By the thought of what if
As we’re seeing all of our lives
Playing out like a gif
I reach out for my hand
But my twin does not flinch
Waving my body all around
But she still doesn’t move an inch
I think back on my reality
Of what makes me who I am
All the times that I went from loving
To not thinking to give a damn
The way I shine in a spotlight
But shy away from seeking eyes
From laughing throughout the day
While the midnight moon hears my cries
Reading to escape the day
Yet writing to embrace the night
Speaking of love and acceptance
But always with inspiration to fight
Wanting nothing more than to run
But no energy to get out
Having my heart SET on something
But deciding to go without
A loving sister
And a loyal friend
Or a raging monster
With hate of no end
I see the life in both eyes
But which form is real
Is it the one torn by emotion
Or the one who simply does not feel
Reality is a game
Of pick that and choose this
But it all boils down into one
A unique soul impossible to miss