The Teacher of Nature


United States
40° 49' 46.1496" N, 77° 35' 5.5212" W

The wind may blow
The sun may scortch
The rain may poor
The thunder may howl
But still the tree will stand

The days may blur
The grades may sink
The pens may run dry
The student may shout
But still a Teacher will try

Both will never give up to the changes of the season
Both will never stop reaching for the impossible
Both will never be unnecessary
Both are a beginning...



As a teacher myself, I can definitely relate to this. Oftentimes there is simply nothing to do but make like a tree and weather the storm. Categorizing trees as a beginning, though, is an interesting notion--usually, one might think of the seed as the beginning, but trees, like anything, are not in themselves an end-result--they continue influencing and creating things long after they have grown. I really enjoy this poem--thanks for sharing.

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