Monster within:
Everyone has a monster... that they hide behind their skin,
Sitting and watching... just waiting in its den.
Eventually the moment comes... for it to present itself,
And when that moment happens... most people are someone else.
It's hard to keep your monster... locked up and hidden away,
Because eventually it will show itself... no matter what you say.
Your monster is a ticking bomb,
Waiting in the dark,
Hoping for someone to be in the wrong,
Just to make its mark!
Hiding away your monster... is a task that most will fail,
Because hiding away your monster... can truly be travail...
So think about the monster... that lurks beneath your skin...
No matter what you do or say... it's always there within...
Just be weary about your monster... do try to hold it back...
It will make it less dangerous... when it explodes and you attack...