My Words

Time and time again
I say time is my friend
Days get shorter
More scoff at classes
"Hey, school is for..." well
They get... by.
And I who smile in the front seat
You tell me who I'm cut out to be
Cut and dry
Milk and Rye
My mind tries to swallow the world
I've only got bits and peices
You see how big the feat is
My ideas go in a whirl
I need that pull to Earth again
Even when the confinement of stucture breaks me down
Fighting it, debating, but I'll never win
Can grindstones and romantics find common ground?
No. You have to give to please
He believes what he sees
Not what you can feel
How can that be real
So succumb
Be supressed
I look to the light
The future
When this pain is heavy in my chest
When I am released
When the fire has died and the smoke has ceased
You won't need to fight it
You'll feel the peace
Such richness in my words will ring
Through which words tone deaf will sing
As they look up hearing
For all who listen
My words
When my knowledge has risen.



this is a great peom Keep writting <3


This is so powerful (and too true of school--it's never ending and can seem unnecessary). There's so much great material here. I would love to see other poems you've written. I think this poem would be even more powerful if you made it a little more concise, or followed a poetic schema. Check out our writing tips for inspiration:

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