Tic Tic Tic
I am broken and no one will let me be see-through
not the sort of broken that you walk by.
I am not an explosion. I am a blade grass, a growth of the Sun
that you want to pull out of the earth
but the roots underneath are too resilient.
Maybe like a pile of yarn, frayed, piled into shapes and configurations no one has seen before
and everyone is offended.
Like somehow I chose this
like I like I like I like this.
My muscles turn to icicle
then stay
Cold and hard, immutable
paralyzed as I wait out the shake and shiver of my my bone
rotating my neck in summer heat flash until the great desire
for kinetic energy
f a d e s.
And I am a plastic water bottle full to the brim
with answers that want to stay in
with questions I can’t answer.
And no one wants to fill my water bottle.
Because, see, they might gulp from the canteen of thought
and leave no gentle words behind
no true words,
only pretentious blather,
no respect.
My water is
tears from the prospect that I have lost everything.
“I left my keys in a bathtub”
Yeah, and I was the one who found them.
I always seem to find them.
Let me tell you a secret:
when you stop loving something
keep it on your keychain
until the passion is reignited
because otherwise you are left
a twitchy-crying-hot mess-with 2 labs-a quiz-and a test
and nothing to love.
I’ll shower you in mind kisses.
I am not physically affectionate
But my mind kisses
oh they’ll blow you away.
What if my fine
and your fine
are different?
I used to wonder how people could stand, slack-jawed in front of a handless man
and I honestly still don’t understand why everyone is so preoccupied with the swaying of my lips.
The shimmy of my shoulders,
the drawl of my Ts.
Like water in my mouth
sloshing about,
absorbed by the sponge of a tongue
a full mouth.
Gs taste like balloons
Ys are effervescent, soap bubbles waiting to pop.
I am at a place right in the middle
of let’s do this
and why did I ask for more?
I don’t know if I’ll be okay.
But I can say
That I want to go on the metro
ride away
to some Highland Park
a piss-perfumed city square
take me there.
I want to float on the asphalt
away into a colony
of lepers
their skin rejected by their blood
take me there.
To where the pneumonia runs rampant
and the Hep C is constant
take me there.
I will bake cookies
of molasses
of sugar
I will bake for my lepers
And I won’t stare at them
Not once.
A mouth filled with too many words
not able to speak them all at once.
Not in love, not in anger,
only of self.
Caught up in the back,
a soda pop seal
ready to poppoppop.
Erupt out,
a volcano, spewing ash and toxic fumes.
Mount Rainier is dead,
Yellowstone has taken her throne.
All hail the Queen.