To the one whom I still Love


United States
31° 23' 34.7784" N, 111° 7' 3.2772" W
United States
31° 23' 34.7784" N, 111° 7' 3.2772" W

I think about you

That I do

That smile in your eyes

Oh how I think about it too

The way you made me feel like no other

I think about you night and day

Though you've found another,

I still hope that someday,

Fait will choose diffrent and bring you my way

The laughs that we shared and the tears too

They are all apart of the reason I fell so in love with you

You braught color to my gray

You were the light to my day

The reasons we grew apart I wish to not say

For when you are ready I will choose to wait

For whom I still love let's create a new fait









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