We Were Something Special

I thought our friendship would never end.
I loved you even though you had a girlfriend.
It might have been an infatuation, but I still cared about you immensely.
You helped me get through so much.
You made me promise to never cut.
You were there for me, when I hated everyone.
You took my inconsistency, and turned it into something you loved.
You said that I owed you one.
I knew so and I did it thoroughly.
I was your back up plan when you were out of your relationship with your on and off again girlfriend.
I was your happy distraction.
We talked about a lot of things.
We made up stories and thought we were on to something.
We sat in your car and listened to Hold On Till May.
I loved PTV.
You said you would write a song for me.
It's been 5 months, is it finished yet?
You offered to buy me coffee.
Was that something I was imagining?
We discussed our favorite books and knew that we were lovely.
We were going to go out one night and leave the county.
We were going to look at the stars and how they aligned perfectly.
That never happened.
You and your girlfriend were back together again.
It broke my heart because you were too good for her.
Or maybe you weren't.
I knew you were still talking to me and another girl.
But I still wanted you, it didn't matter.
You were the closest thing to everything I've ever wanted.
You looked at me with your blue eyes, and absolutely stunned me.
You played me a Mozart symphony.
It made my heart melt into molten.
You sent me daily pictures of kittens.
You knew me better than anyone else.
Jesus would have been surprised himself.
And then you really got back together with your on-again girlfriend.
She made you completely ignore me.
I don't blame her, you were currently hers.
We stopped taking for hours.
Then days.
Then weeks.
And now you and her are in high school having a baby.
You should have stayed with me.
We would've been happy.
I know you're dying on the inside, and pretending everything is fine.
I know how you still think this is a worthless, shitty life.
And it's been hell not talking to you since january because I still haven't got to thank you for our good times.


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