New beginnings can only start with you!!

Wed, 06/18/2014 - 14:54 -- suszq25

           I have so much pain and sorrow. 

           and rain keeps pouring down.

            My head is underwater.

            Breathing is only  the beginning.

            I need a change I need a change.

            I keep looking for a hand to help. 

            It never comes so I begin to doubt.

            My future is on hold because I can not see it.

            I am waiting for someone to help help.

            It still does not come. 

            I am sick of waiting for help that never comes.

            I can do this by myself.

            Wind is blowing through the trees

            Today is the first day of sun I've seen

             The warmth on my face gives me hope

             For I am no longer drowning I see I see

             It was my hand all along that I need

             Finding strength within myself now i see the beginning 

             Those trouble times is of the past.

             I am the beginning....












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