Favorite song is my saving grace
Laptop that I purchased fails
to connect on a bus ride that
I paid for
Independence at its finest
Celebratory dinner was a Subway
sandwich followed by a subway
ride and a gigantic lump in my throat
It’s a good thing butterflies
aren’t the pickiest of creatures
Love nothing more than to come home
Hate nothing more than saying
hollow goodbyes in a side-entrance
parking lot because real words
free the demons from their cocoons
This metamorphosis is a double-edged sword
because I want to be forever a child
But it’s easier to stay away and gray
than allow this supposed freeway to interfere
with my transformation
I’m a caterpillar born in the wrong season
A creature whose chrysalis is
torn to pieces
Every time I entertain the idea of a reunion
I don’t identify with this species
Happy birthday to me.