Change My Life

I look in the mirror and what do I see?
A lost little soul looking back at me.
I look in the eyes and I see my past,
But even closer and my future is vast.
A writer, a singer, a teacher, a musician,
But one wrong step is like deadly ammunition.
My future holds purpose, potential so great,
A career I couldn’t possibly hate.
How do I get there? What should I do?
Is this question really to be answered by you?
Or me?
Try harder in school, my parents would say,
Get those good grades, even straight A's.
Impress the good colleges, know them by name;
Not everyone is always the same.
Get all those scholarships, earn great rewards.
Soon those schools will be knocking at our doors.
Then go to school and get a degree,
Get a career and then you’ll be free!
But then,
We’re back to that question again.
What will I be?
I need a career that will make me great.
Something that will say “love me, not hate”
I’m in love with my writing, but am I that good?
Have I been practicing as much as I should?
What about music that I can create?
Or maybe a teacher, try a new slate?
I guess what I’m saying is I don’t really know
Just how exactly my future will go.
The one thing that will erase my trials and strife,
Is the one job that will change my whole life.


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