Too Small to Live, Too Young to Die
A tiny baby, not a month old
The subject of a story that need be told.
Born in a country far away,
Now in Heaven with God to stay.
Brand new mother & father so proud,
Whose thoughts are now with her, up in the clouds.
Searching for reason, we ask God, "Why?"
Too small to live, too young to die.
It just doesn't seem right that He took her so soon.
Gone in July, though just born in June.
But God had a plan for this baby so small
Just like His perfect plan for us all.
He loves her just like her mother & father.
He knit her together, His precious daughter.
So we need to trust Him with His dear creation,
He cares for our friends, our family, our nation.
Ruby, our love with you will stay.
You're safe in Heaven where we'll meet you one day.
Dedicated to Ruby S.