Hurting on the inside

Sun, 01/19/2014 - 13:38 -- maiya96

As I start this poem I have alot of tears built inside dont know but sometimes I want to let them out. As I wake up every day I wonder if I will be accepted to the best college. So many tears I just want to release but I dont because the after feeling is not the best. Im scared that my dream wont come true. Im scared that the amount of work I try to get done wont be enough. I wont give up on because I want to be successful and I will be successful no matter how hard I fall or how much someone says no I cant do it. I will continue to try each Un and everyday. So im publishing this poem to say that I have came a long way in life. As I prepare myself to graduate the path to me become successful may not be easy it may just get hard but I promise giving up will not be a option for me. I am who i am and I cant change it.


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