Tales of a Broke College Student
I only caught a glimpse of that
$200 book you’re overly infatuated with,
Why not just recommend it?
The lunch money I used for your
Insensitive demands still
Didn’t get me an A in your class,
So why should I silence my questions?
I feel you’re not comprehending.
You think that
Single bed room apartment
That isn’t even equipped with
The basic necessities
For me to even call it ‘home’
Can satisfy your unnecessary requests?
Not to mention
The house parties acting as fundraisers,
The 2 days 2-hour shifts
That can only buy a month worth of ramen,
The embarrassment of
Preparing yesterday’s clothes
For today’s challenges,
And a shopping habit
That can’t be maintained.
I don’t even have a printer that can
Even feed my thoughts without ink,
You still demand I compensate
For your loyalty to the system.
How funny.
Let me remind you that
My bank account is set to
Authorized User for a reason.
Please understand that
The only thing you can guarantee me is
A binder full of bank statements
And a pocket full of lint.
It’s bad enough that I have
These people saying ‘I can’t do this’
But my pockets too?
It’s said that knowledge is power,
But it’s a debt I can’t afford to pay on time.
My account says,
You mean to tell me that
Tuition wasn’t enough?
A ‘next-door’ college
That offered reciprocity
AND a full scholarship and
Still it bounced my check
And paid me back
With a late fee.
It didn’t last no more than
A semester’s worth of work.
My tab is already paid for
Only because the drunk on the left
Just wanted one dance.
I guess I’ll take another round,
But a tip won’t be left.
It’s times like those
I’m reminded of the agony
You purposefully enforced
On my strained budget.
Shouldn’t my deposit for this bill
Be enough for a starter position?
Is a refund too much to ask?
I’ve played by your rules.
I’ve invested in this knowledge you say is power
But my receipts are forever overflowing.
Let’s compromise.
I’ll pay your outstanding balance
But don’t expect a ‘paid-in-full’
Notification in your inbox.
I’m still a college student,
A broke college student,
Just trying to make ends meet.