There is More than What You See

No one else knows what goes through my mind.

Everybody thinks I am happy when I am no where near fine.

I do not what to be the girl who always needs to be the center of attention,

but sometimes I wish people would notice my life is not perfection.

I surround myself with my friends, but they do not know the truth.

Even when I am in a full room, I feel alone.

People make jokes about me.

I laugh along so no one sees that I can be weak.

What people do not realize is that it hurts me.

My heart aches, I hold back tears.

All people have feelings, do they not know?

Although some are better at hiding their pain,

the emotions are still there.

Sometimes what you see is not the reality.

Everybody has a secret, everybody has a story that no one knows.

How much longer can I hide the truth?

How long can I be strong before I break?

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