Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Before there was light before there was sound Gravity wandered
3 weeks 3 hours ago
Faded  blue  jeans  with  a hole on the  knee  cartoonish drawings on my bare knee.
3 weeks 4 hours ago
A legacy for a father waiting uninspired Painted by the numbers
3 weeks 7 hours ago
“It’s a girl!” Her mom said exited Her dad disappointed, written on his face  He wants a boy, a man, not a girl 
3 weeks 9 hours ago
Owning the memories of the years without me  
3 weeks 10 hours ago
For years I prayed to a God that wasn't there Prayed because this life was never fair Insisted on change
3 weeks 12 hours ago
Who gave you the right to read me like a book All I gave you was a story I wrote
3 weeks 13 hours ago
And there I stood Facing Death himself. His black eyes bore through my body To my very soul
3 weeks 21 hours ago
This sour ache gripping my body, Squeezing my soul till black and blue. It oozes into every crevice of my heart.
3 weeks 21 hours ago
He told me it was my fault  He told me everything I did led up to my assault  Seven years old and painfully alone 
3 weeks 1 day ago
