Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

       The life I once described creeped upin the creepiest way.
3 weeks 4 days ago
("Thus always I cause the death of tyrants.”)the purported line Brutus utteredafter assassinating Julius Caesar. 
3 weeks 4 days ago
You go to a restaurant with your social group, which is just a small group of friends
3 weeks 5 days ago
Homeless  enflamed    in the alleyway food 
3 weeks 5 days ago
Homeless  enflamed    in the alleyway food 
3 weeks 5 days ago
You shove yourself down our collective throats and I have had enough
3 weeks 5 days ago
When you go to work check your personality at the door There will be a lot of faking and ass kissing in the store
3 weeks 5 days ago
Does he know how much you love to write? Does he know what keeps you up at night
3 weeks 5 days ago
It's a Hen House, wine bottles always flowing About their ex-husbands, they are always moaning
3 weeks 5 days ago
You were rich and powerful and you had the world in the palm of your hand
3 weeks 5 days ago
