Poems from thedger3

thedger3's picture
I'm a student at Erskine College. I am a music major and a math minor. I play the alto saxophone. As a music major I would like to teach high school or college level instrumental band. I love Music, it is my passion, and reason for my strive towards success. God has shown me my path and I wish to follow it heart and soul. He has done so much for me already, so my faith in him will always remain. I hoped to earn any type of scholarship I can, because I need the money to help me continue on in college. Every little bit helps:) Hope everyone likes what I write but if they don't I really don't care because I enjoy writing and will continue to do so. I realize I write long but that's just my personality and I refuse to change it! God Bless!! and to who ever reads my stuff completely and who writes feedback. Thank you:) I appreciate it. And if I get any scholarships from this, I will never forget the help and hope God blesses you a million times over!!
With desire to fulfill the Dream I can't ignore Memorial Hall* grandly greets me with open arms. I inspect hanging mirrors where windows...
Love only grows On the Strongest and wisest of trees Vunerable to be carved into Everlasting song   One look, that's all it took Nothing...
Take my hand it'll be ok. Let it out, let it out. I will take care of you. You need to speak up or suffer in your silence. Don't leave...
Time and time again you say you'll leave and time again I cry myself to sleep. I'm tired of crying and again tired of you leaving. Its...
I'm like the life you keep destroying Played me like a violin and held me captive Till I screeched. The trap I can't escape and the love...
