Poems from Leticia M

I am Ugandan pursuing a degree in law.l love poetry and have written since l was seven.l am very sensitive to issues on violence.l am a daughter to Mr and mrs Mutumba
So today l sat beside myself l was hurting both body and soul l needed a touch just someone to be mine l started missing 'mine' and wished...
You see the naive village girl the clean country lass that has not seen life all l see is how God blessed nature so beautiful and then it...
Babe come in its cold that was the catch line of my pain so pure so virile so innocent l was so trusting l saw roses in cactus so gentle a...
The warrior in me is always dead But the prayer makes me appear upright The coward in me is always hiding the prayer me makes me appear...
Some days the rains are too heavy our legs are stuck in mud and cut the floods pull us back But you crawl till you reach the dry land...
