Poems from HalfPint

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Half Pint A Writer, A Content Creator Songs, Poetry trying to simply Blowing Your Mind! youtube.com/c/HalfPint1 https://plus.google.com/u/0/+HalfPint1 https://twitter.com/hi5pint https://www.instagram.com/cali_clean_budz/ https://soundcloud.com/half-pint-620778839
To Have Lived Without Love..when letting go is harder then holding onwhen being weak is tuffer then holding strong if ignorance is bliss...
ETERNITY AND A DAY a vast valley without canyon walls.further then your eyes can see. more then all of awe can be.I scream my screams to be...
THE YIN & YANG OF MY GEMINI'S we can converge as pin pals at a distance.together again a mere existencenever in the physical to be of...
                  Gallop's end......       No longer am I charged in rage like a stampede..Free like a Pegasus as I spread my wings..I am a...
