I play the vibraphone.
The xylophone?
The vibraphone.
The vibra-what?
The vibraphone.
Not the xylophone?
The vibraphone!
These are the words I tend to say more than the notes I get to play
Each night while standing on a stage making music by ear or chords on a page
On a page glued into that one big book, between Y and W where we look
For words that define us, our language, our traits
Words learned as children just shaping our fates
A is apple, B is for boy...U is for umbrella, T is for toy...
X is for...what? What word shall we use? X-ray, perhaps, but often we choose
To say xylophone, xylophone! Just this, nothing more
Nothing more for percussion, so please, I implore you to
Rethink the alphabet, open your mind; remember V stands for vibraphone, if you'd be so kind
V is for vibraphone, D is for drum, M is for marimba...does this sound dumb?
X is for xylophone, that's wonderful but
Know that I play the vibraphone, not the vibra-what.