Times Of Pain

You see them with their families,

The one you never had.

It brings back memories,

And you wish you had the chance to say...goodbye.

I see them with their families,

Wondering what I did wrong.

I try to find the answer,

But yet it slips past like i never knew anything happened.

Times like now, are times of pain...

Crying and screaming "why was it you and not me"

Asking God to bring them back,

But their already gone.

Sitting there, tempted, but you stop.

I stand up and look towards the clock...

There's still time,

I rush out my door, car keys in my hand,

Running to the grave...sit down,

Talking to them. Their not physically here but their there,

Listening to every word,

And I got the chance to say goodbye...before I passed on.

I get up...and look down on their grave.

"Mother and father, I love you very much" blow them a kiss,

And leave...

A smile on my face, I turn back and say goodbye.

I walk back to my car, it felt like the spirits came and hugged me,

telling me good job,

Times of Pain never last, so don't feel like your too late.

This poem is about: 
My family
Guide that inspired this poem: 


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