take a look, here i am


United States
34° 59' 1.8888" N, 82° 20' 3.6168" W


you are quiet

you are odd

you are smart


You do not know me.


I am a one-of-a-kind girl

Dedicated to exploring the world

Bettering myself




I am the light which creeps under your door

The urge you feel to dance when the music comes on

I am the strum of the guitar

The bar clenched in the gymnast’s two fists

I am the activist, the woman

I am the tourist in Spain

who buys a house and never comes back

I am the loved and the loving and maybe the not loved too

I am NOT who you want me to be

I am who I want myself to be


Quiet no more, let me show you me. 



It sounds like you like who you are, and I'm really glad. Its great :)

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