Is it just your race or do i add the ISM Yes The race is long and we are all on the sprint They say that working hard is more important than the colour of your skin But if thats the case why is every dark skined invidual that looks like me associated with monkeys,rape cases, exotic villaning or an escapee from prison

I mean we wear the same clothes and do the same things We talk the same way but it was never a real dream. .......... For me to be friends with jason mary and robs Or Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela, and Kofi Annan being the answers to my question "Who is the boss?"

Your very own actions turned you into a bully as you sputter out your heart ripping words cooly........

That become a permanent residence to the mind... Digging deeper into my goals and thoughts or yes it mines

Racism doesnt only steal away indivuality it also distorts reality People shunt be judged by there skin color but by the content of there character cause who you really are aint skin deep

President Robert Mugabe once said " there will never be and end in racism when white stands for peace and black for evil, when people wear white clothes to weddings and black to funerals, when a white iphone 6s cost more than a black one, when a white plays the role of the good guy in movies the black plays the villan........ But as long as i use a white tissue paper to whipe my black ass then am cool"

We are equal in the fact that we are different we are all dsame in the fact that we will never be dsame We are harmonious that we are all held to this earth by the same gravity We all dont share the same blood buh yes do we share the air that we breathe to keep us living

Most of us wont survive some of the changes the earth makes When we get swallowed by tsunamis hurricane or earthquakes Then thats just the first stage you realise you cannot reverse race And start putting into consideration that we are one regardless of the birth place

I wish i cud say racism and prejudice were only distant memories.. But all i can say is we must dissent from the indifference, we must dissent from the fear, the hatred, and the mistrust.. We must dissent from all this because this world can do better , because this world has no choice but to do better. #PEACE#

This poem is about: 
Our world


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