A Minor Crime Against War

I heard the roaring commands

Beneath the shelter

And the cry of a dream of a real man.

The Innocent were left to rot like some type of cancer.


Two paces to the left,

Against the wall of complacency,

Was the lifeless, lamented,



Bones of my Bones. Flesh of my Flesh.

Silently awaiting the understanding

Of an understatement:



The winds of change left me with vivid memories

Of those like me,

Those who have gone

And those struggling to hold on.


Mother said a war against the innocent

Is a lack of responsibility.

Still you tell me you hate me

And you can’t wait to get rid of me.


You have yet to look me in the eyes

And tell me what harm I caused you.

I did not pull the trigger

Nor did I have my way with you.


If you could see this from a different perspective

You would understand MY pain.

I’ve seen my brothers and sisters drown in their own blood,

The sound of their cries no one could explain.


Look into my soul before you define me.

Experience my love, before you wound me.

If I ever aim the barrel and pull the trigger,

Ask Roe if I can justify my selfishness.


I’ve spent so many sleepless nights

Taking advantage of every second I have left.

I’ve heard enemy voices carrying in the wind

Speaking of annihilating the home I’ve tried to protect.


My rights have been stripped

To satisfy mercenary soldiers

That are blind to the fact that I am harmless.

I’m here, but it wasn't my choice.


Mama, if you can hear me,

Listen to me before they torment your soul!

Mama, hear me when I say, “I love you

And I forgive you for what you said.”


When I lay in silence,

I hope you don't feel my last breath.

When absolution replaces repentance,

I hope you don't mourn my death.


When I flat line, forget the frontline.

Rejoice in the glory of the rising sun.

Honor the rights of passage and past rights.

Remember that your heart and mine beat as one.


Pro-vocative lives led to Pro-vocative choices.

Still, between spasmodic contractions my heart rejoices.

Your soothing voice was my first and last heard,

And I, into a bittersweet memory, have merely blurred. 



This poem is about abortion. Read it carefully

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