I can finally breathe

I can finally breathe


Blurred words, blank thoughts, and once impenetrable is now clear as the blue sky in summer heat.


Spotting of clouds decorating horizon after horizon, puzzle pieces far apart, but their connection detectable.






Soft and hard, clear and so unique.


Like looking into a glass house with curtain after curtain their soul is sharp as lightning, cracking the sky, daring it to reform, relearn its place.


Brighter, please don’t let that fade.


Humble as thunder booming their voice softer than the violet’s petals.


Honest as the wind’s whispers and stories of Earth.


Even Lavender’s scent is not so sweet as theirs.


Passionate as the bee that sweeps its petals, to savor every last taste of pollen, kind enough to share each piece of it with the next.


Leaves no flower untouched.


This poem is about: 
My family
My community
Our world


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