the land of opportunity
the land of equality
the land of slang
we criticize
we judge
we look down on others
as if they were not one of our own
we see them as a threat
we see nothing more than us
change is the enemy
evolution is the enemy
THEY are the enemy
how can one be so blind
we are ONE
we come from the same world
we were born in the same universe
how can one be so foreign
to a land so familiar
the biggest change
this world must overcome
is the change of equality and goodness
for we do not see that in others
when we see change
we become afraid of what will come
we are afraid of what will be different
but change is good
it will aid us in the future
it will allow us to explore
the various worlds and cultures
we were so blinded by before
we must admit change
we must allow it
we must embrace it
we must accept it