To Be Heard (by my late brother)

Wed, 06/11/2014 - 16:43 -- brittyb

It feels like I've started this poem many times 

to tell you how much I miss you, trying to make my words rhyme.

Every day without you, growing up alone,

makes me want to cry out "Please come home!".

I see you in my memories, I see you in my dreams

but not being able to have you by my side makes me want to scream.

I know you're in a better place bubba, but how can that be

when the best place for you to be is with us, your family?

Before you left for heaven you asked me to do things for you

grow up, have a family but most importantly go to school.

Well I am trying, because of you

to keep my promise and stay true.

Most days it is tough and I have no clue how I will get by

but I know I can do anything, when you're my star in the sky. 

Guide that inspired this poem: 


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