De La Soul

Kevin Mercer, Vincent Mason, David Jude Joliocoeur AKA De La Soul

Educational Background and Location

Amityville High School, New York (Queens)

Brief Personal Bio

The hip hop trio of De La Soul formed in 1987 on Long Island, New York. They are best known for their eclectic sampling and contributions to the evolution of the jazz rap and alternative hip hop subgenres. The members are Posdnuos, Dave and Maseo who formed the group in high school (Amityville High School) and caught the attention of producer Prince Paul with a demo tape of the song "Plug Tunin'".

Common Literary Elements/Structure/Themes in their Work

De La Soul's rap music isn't very aggressive but it isn't soft (making it like the middle class/category of rap).

Link to Matching PP Guides/Glossary Terms

What does it mean if you were matched to this artist? Why is it important?

When matched to De La Soul, you are matched to a group of artists who includes many of the similar techinques you put in your piece. For example, your piece may include unique elements that are unlike other writers; you may also include themes that aren't tough nor soft but more in the middle. This may be an element of your poem (or main element). It is important to recognize the similarity you have to this artist because it helps you understand more of the style of your literary work. In this instance, your work would most likely contain techniques that are similar to De La Soul's and recognizing this could help to further develop your style and approach at writing poems.

Literary Value

De La Soul's music is not soft but not aggressive and is unlike many other artists lyrics.

List of Albums / Artist Spotify Link

3 Feet High and Rising, De La Soul Is Dead, Buhloone Mindstate, Stakes Is High, Art Official Intelligence: Mosaic Thump, AOIL Bionix, The Grind Dare, and the Anonymous Nobody....

Social Handles (Links)

twitter: @WeAreDeLaSoul, instagram: @WeAreDeLaSoul