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Just about a month ago, I would have sworn I loved you. Just about a month ago, I would be laughing  you would smile at me with  one of your precious smiles.  I would have sworn we made it,
How is it fair what you did making me look like the bad guy here you ignored me completly, making me feel horribly.  Breaking me apart  I know you dont like me but why do you keep confusing me
How is it fair what you did making me look like the bad guy here you ignored me completly, making me feel horribly.  Breaking me apart  I know you dont like me but why do you keep confusing me
There was once a time I didnt understand what happened between the two of us why did the words disapeer  your face gone memories left like they were never there  the thing is, I dont care now 
You screwed me up had me thinking that you "loved me" You dont understand the words "I love you" because you said it so often throughing that word out like you actually meant it
i don't need this boy anymore  that's what i keep telling myself   until i'm laying in darkness  buried by threadbare quilts and my own secret sadness  
he said "baby you're a mess" and i said "sweetheart i know" but all i wanted him to tell me was  where the time had gone because  lately my hours have been feeling  heavy and the bags under my eyes 
Questions   He talks I can’t breathe He kisses me
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