the struggle is real

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"I cannot go through this again."The second I whispered those words my fate had been sealed. A promise made is a promise broken.It is the hymn of destruction that the weak utter without knowing it's awful power.It is a summoning.The tides turned t
When I was young I thought I could do anything That I could save the world I thought life was wonderful Amazing In my mind
  Words.  Words matter.  Words matter to me.  Power. They have power. They have power beyond understanding.  People don't understand it.  They write it off. But a text is powerful.
Behind the big picture Is a small, fragile woman. Forget the smile And look deep into her eyes. Her eyes tell a story. A story of: Danger, Heartache, Misfortune,
It's never been difficult for me to put thoughts to word Thinking in phrases unseen but well-heard I always wrote my meanings with the intent to be direct And let the words that came out create their own effect
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