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Along a hillside,
Desert trail
I spied
My perfect Lizard-shaped stone
As I bent down
To pick it up
Lying beside it...
A drop of poison
Turns into bucket fulls
Into the ocean.
Its deepest pits
Caught slipping
Of rocks
And algae.
Broken words and glass
The uneven rocks give this hill character. Though storms may erode them they are still strong and beautiful. Etched into their being is lesson after lesson. Every curve tells a story. Ever changing. Ever growing.
In the midst of chaos
stands a lone rock.
This rock doesn't waver
nor does it speak.
It just sits there,
before the fray and
Everything around the
rock, leans forward
take these mountains from my shoulders
roll them down into boulders
rub smooth these stones
they crush my fragile bones
take away the swirling sand
amorphous grains of quartz piled high,
tumbling, rolling
together further degrading,
microscopic rainbows,
tiny magic gems.
halite sprinkled in,
Beneath the surface of the Earth
Within the geosphere
The remains of another world
Awaiting discovery in its million year slumber.
The thrill, mystery, and satisfaction
And the whippoorwill twilled,
While over rocks water spilled,
Green grass in the fields blew,
And sweet lipped Mocking Birds o'er head flew.
Walking on the rocks
My feet close to
The giant structures
I felt a bond- a beauty.
Trekking through the rocks
Watching life in stillness
And little creatures creep & crawl
Someone helpCant get this year over with any fasterHow is any of this going to help me in the future?Opitimistically, these 4 years have flew byOh and I cant wait for college
The kids whin and sign
But school is the best
Not in all countries
It's truly a gift
We are blessed greatly
Compared to the world
You are a centerpiece,
You are every art gallery.
You are Lisa's Moan
Panting under Leonardo's
Brush, echoing through
The marble halls of the
Louvre. Your skin is felspar