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I did wrong?
I'll take it, but just know you did wrong too.
I lied?
I did, but you have been lying too.
I've been doing a long time,
I know.
But I'm sure you have been too.
Peach ice cream with Grandmommy on a hot summer’s day
Falling asleep on a 15 minute car drive
Himalayan cats
Artificial Christmas trees so we don’t get sick
Oatmeal cream pies and limeade
One day this
One day that
Up and down
In and out
Want to be high
Always low
Good things come
Good things go
Bad things come
From when I was woken, to when I fall;
destruction, pain, sadness, and death will blur my vision.
But where there is destruction, will soon be creation;
where there is pain, will soon be comfort;