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Scar tissue splits when you have scurvy.
Such specific malnutrition.
To be without citrus,
The brightest of the fruits,
My mother has never liked
the taste of lemons.
They are too sour,
That’s probably why she doesn’t like me.
When life throws you lemons but you can't make lemonade.You can't look back nore go through the pathway . You have to figure it out you just have to.
Sweet, a piece of summer
in the midst of winter
Salty, a silly song
sung over a meal well made
Sour, the pang of unkind words
unexpectedly turning into laughter
Savory, the rich sunlight
One day
I will be a guidance counselor
One day
I will be so much more
But most of all
One day,
I will be rich
I would be the richest person in the world
Adults tell you, when life gives you lemons make lemonade
But where do you get the sugar?
As a child I looked at the good in things, though I was hit with the bad.