American issues
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Dirty table, high chair, hungry bear
A mother eats her young,
doesn’t anybody care?
You don’t know my reason,
her eyes compress and wrinkle pure in time
for once was ease, now, shelters dread upon
disturbing thoughts perturb a chill down spine
the first and closing vital thought at dawn
I am proud to be an American
I cannot say this is true
They say it’s the land of the free
But its men are dying over seas
Fighting to protect its democracy
For those who discount their right to vote
Religious freedom you ask?
You must've heard it from the settlers.
Who dares question my right to believe?
We must've fought for our freedom not yours.
I am a prouduct of immigrants.
As humans, color is a big part of the world as we know it. Different colors mean different things and represent different things and look like different things.