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A celestial light
Shined bright
Like a light beam
In an ethereal dream
A dream of spectrums
Of ideal perfections
What comes around the cycle repeats around itself,
Escalation of time preceded by the focus of oneself,
Enough it has, enough it was, and enough it'll never be.
Why though ?
Those who have felt it know
its impossible now to forget.
How consuming the darkness is
yet we were not done, were we?
We still have our time left,
our strength to move on.
"Come, Consume me," I say.
Your writhen thoughts had unexplainable august about them,
I wonder from what this could stem?
They have remarkable semblance to knotted fingers,
The way each twines into my mind and lingers,
Drawing me in,
there were pretty daises
but the lights are all gone
the sun’s on vacation
the stars have seen a galaxy
far more beautiful than ours
they’ve gone on a journey
the light bulbs have burst