Poems from storsjöodjur

Spreading my lashes outwards to the sun, moon and stars. Connecting bodies as a rhizome, emerging here and there, lost in nowhere. Moulding rhythms, rhymes, tones, flights and falls between the words.
Natur admirer
Prestera. men varför? - Makulera. men vad då? för att etablera mig, nya versionen som ändå klänger och sträcker sitt håll på minnes handtag...
Mitt hus
Det huset, biblioteket på Skogås,
Och dessa vägar med musikaliska namn,
Runt andas jag av fur och gran.
Här, på fuktigt...
Autumn flowers
Flowers withered by the march of time and season
Yet I find it very vivid to my heart and reason
Displayed in plain, on...
Nine days back turned I 28
Today you went away
Though rarely you made your presence
Which felt so strange and out of place
And it's Corona...
A minute is slicing my nerves
It gives me a pressure along my body's curves
Muting my voice down to the silence
Betraying me, my gestures...