Poems from spirov4

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My name is Savannah and I am born and raised from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I am a senior at Washburn High School and am involved in our Black Box Social Justice Company. This company promotes youth voice to let their stories be heard through poetry, dance, theater, spoken word and provides a safe space to heal no matter your age, gender, sexuality, or race. This program has helped me find my voice and be more aware of social justice issues in my community and globally. As a Junior and Senior, I have also been apart of our Touring Company. This company travels to dozens of schools around the state to perform our original play regarding issues like consent, prejudice, rape, gender inequality, the struggle for success for minorities and police brutality. My role as a senior in this community has grown more than I had ever expected it to. Each spoken word piece I have written, each controversial dialogue in the space, each performance has led me to where I am supposed to be right now. Wherever my future may take me, I wish to continue this social justice work through creative and performing arts. The Black Box experience has helped me overcome silencing myself when it came to telling my own story as a young child and healing from it. It is all about validation of emotions and your story. I have decided to express my pain through art and show the beauty of it behind the trouble. Everything happens for a reason, and for once I understand the reason. I hope you enjoy my work(:
Picking up my phone thinking that's that. Wish to hear something that won't give me a heart attack. My older brother is having a little...