Poems from renee913

renee913's picture
I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere. I love the area, but I hate it at the same time. I am currently still in high school, and I hope to go to college for an English and Linguistics degree.
Passive, my eyes are closed and my hands are cold,A light is shining in the corner of the room,And shadows are dancing alone, but lively....
My fingers still smell like ammonia,Trying to rid the feel of you on them.You made me feel so unclean,So now, I'm scrubbing away fallacy,...
A morning sky has never been so steel grey,Electric blue peeking through at random,The sunlight barely streaks with day,Giving hope in...
Intoxication by substance,Abuse is a common word inA user's dictionary: vocabulary,Mundane feelings of pain,Take it all away. Introversion...
Pressure is applied to a mental wound,Bleeding out imagination, determination,The memories are painting the floors in blood-Discrepancy of...
